Using CountIfs with several criteria including names, status, and date range
I've created a sheet to build metrics from a very large source sheet. I'm trying to count based on the following: the column {Module 3 - Section Owner} matches a cell in this metric sheet in the "Primary Column" a Date in the {End Date} that is between Today() and the next 7 days. I created three cells that determine what…
Unlock multiple rows automation after approval
I'm trying to automate the unlocking of multiple rows, triggered by an approval request being approved. Reason being: want to force users to submit a proposal before moving on to the next project steps. Here's my automation setup: Here is my sheet, where I just did a test approval request. The above alert sent to me as…
Requesting update to specific people and only linking their projects
I'm keeping a portfolio of my teams projects (150+). Once a week, I'd like to send out a request update for each person to update their assigned projects. I can't figure out how to send out the request update only to those linked to their projects. As an example, I added a condition that if Project Led by was "my name"…
Lock all rows in a sheet
Morning, I need to be able to stop anyone other than the admins of the sheet from adding rows but I also need to give users "commenter" status because I want them to be able to use the comments. How can I make sure the only ones allowed to add rows are admins? Thanks
Invalid automation
Some of my long-used automations are becoming invalid, stating the end user who is to be notified of something that has occurred as "unsubscribed" but that isn't the case. No email addresses have changed and no one has made any changes. Any idea why? I've tried to rebuild the automation and get the same errors.
For each month, I am trying to sum up data depending on the type of project it is. For example, "If the 'Project Type' is 'Strategic', this is the total hours for the month of February," "If the 'Project Type' is 'Operational', this is the total house for the month of February." These the formulas I tried using:…
Automotion Trigger after 24 hours, not daily
Hi, is it possible to set an automation to run 24 hours after the field is changes instead of once daily? I want to give the person a 24 window to change the option picked. Thank you
Weekly Automation Notification when Event is Within Specific Timeframe
Hello! I'm trying to work out an automated notification that is triggered weekly. We have a date field that will house a calculated date based on another field. We want a contact field to be notified when that date is 90 days in the future, but the notification only needs to be sent once per record. I have the automation…
Copy to another sheet not working
Hi, my goal was to copy from excel to a sheet, but that is not working for me, so I decided to try the copy to another sheet automation. I would like to import new data from excel into a sheet and have it copy to another sheet. I have also tested manually adding data, but it's not work. Can anyone tell me why it's not…
Auto Reply to Form Submissions
Hello Team, I was trying to setup automatic replies to people who enter their email and select a certain timeframe. I would then like to send an automatic reply with information regarding the session that they signed up for. Is this possible using workflows? I can't seem to select a contact in the "Send to contacts in a…