What do I need to change to make the "change cell value" work?
I have rebuilt this multiple times, I thought this one would work since I used a Path but the middle column is not populating in the sheet. The other two do populate. I have also tried to order them differently starting with "change cell value" but then the other two don't work. My only other option is to separate them…
How do I loop through an Array in Bridge?
Hello! I have been trying to loop through an Array in Bridge, and can't seem to figure it out. From what I can find online, I need to use a child workflow and send the Array there while also setting the child workflow's "number of runs" equal to the length of the Array. This is partially working. The Array is being sent…
Automation sending many emails
Hoping to get some help - I made 9 different automations from the same file and they each have a different set of triggers. Now, when once automation runs, all automations send me a notification email.
Auto populate cell based on contents in two other cells in the same sheet
Hello - I've created a intake form to populate a sheet senior management will use for their assigned markets. Management has requested a link in the sheet to a report based on the contents in "Action Plan" (Yes) and "Market" (dropdown with 40+ city names). The manager would use the link to view the report without having to…
Brand new interactive HLS Solution Catalog!
Hello all! I'm one of the solution engineers, and a provider myself (physical therapist), who helped develop this new HLS Solution Catalog. It interactive so you can drill into the solutions a bit (click on the images) to see a few of the use cases we commonly see. It's ever growing so continue to check back! What use…
How to generate dates faster through automated workflows?
I have a sheet that sends automatic update requests once a new row is added. Once a new row is added through a form, the creation date is automatically generated to the current date and also a follow-up date is generated automatically at the creation of the new row. However, the dates do not generate quickly enough and so…
Automation for Column Help
I am interested in using the automation for our inventory. Currently we have our sheet set up with two columns Current Stock and Re Order stock. We are trying to have a workflow where if column Current re stock is equal to Re Order stock it send an email that its time to reorder this specific item. We are running into an…
Record a Date in the future
The record a date automation is great. Just wondering if its on your roadmap at all to allow the ability to set the date recorded to be X days/months/yrs in the future. Eg, if a product doesnt have an expiry date, I want the date 2 yrs from today to be automatically recorded in the Expiry Date cell. Other work around…
Sending Smartsheet notifications to MSFT Teams with Control Centre
In relation to having a notification sent from Smartsheet to Teams, I have an issue where I have an automation in a sheet within the project folder (that would be created via Control Centre), that is setup to push a notification to a Teams site once a Project Manager submits their request. Once they create the project with…
Alerts in Automation Not Working?
Anyone else having problems with Alerts not working in automation? I have multiple solutions with alerts and none are working. I have tested with internal email addresses and external. All other automations seem to be working including "Request an Approval".