Dates not lining up
My editorail calendar isn't lining up when I sort by date. My April dates are below July. I'm not sure what's happening with the formatting.
How can I get Calendar view info to wrap so it can display more than 20 characters?
I want to be able to show more than the 20-25 characters limited in the display of a calendar entry. e.g., I need to be able to show an "Issue No. (10 characters) + an Impact" which can be a list of multiple things. I would not mind if it wraps around into a second row as long as it displays all the information needed by…
Highlight a column on the calendar (Gantt)
Currently I have the ability to manually add holidays to the Gantt view, which default as non-working days. I would like to be able to mark a calendar das a WORKING or NORMAL day, but still have it highlighted (in a color of my choice) on the Gantt view. Ideally, I could even add a description that would show if I move my…
Calendar view showing indent hierarchy incorrectly..
Hi there, If you look at the attached image you can see the issue I'm having - the issue is that the line items colored GREEN should appear directly under the gray "Universal masthead design / Tone / Messaging" bar since they are indented in underneath it - see task list on the bottom of the attached image. Instead the…
Holidays over multiple projects
Hello, Is there anyway to default dependences so that when you start a new project sheet the dependences are already set? I am currently setting up multiple projects and having to enter working weeks, hours per day and holidays is quite time consuming.
Workdays excluded by person option
We have a need to add workdays excluded by persion option to our project sheet to accurately account for the duration. I can see you can exclude holidays but I want to exclude days off extc. Is there a way to do that?
Problem looking at Smartsheet Google Caldendar events from MOBILE
HI All, When I look at Smartsheet created events shared to a Google Calendar from the computer PC/Mac I get a link that says: "Edit Smartsheet Rows". It brings up a popup window and then login to Smartsheet and the data shows just fine. Great Stuff! Problem is from an IPHONE/MOBILE DEVICE using both the IOS Calendar app or…
Non-Working Day Exceptions
So I set my project so that working days are Mon-Fri. However I want to make an exception on a specific Saturday, and make that a work day. Is that an option?
Unable to set Outlook Reminders
Hello, We created a smartsheet and subscribe to the calendar using the publish to ical function. It displays correctly in Outlook, but when we try to set a reminder in the Outlook calendar it gives an error saving "the reminder for xxxx will not appear because the item is in a folder that doesn't support reminders". When I…
How can I automatically capture date of entry on form
Hello - I've setup a webform for users to enter information about potential participants in a program. I want the form to automatically capture the date when the form is completed. I had initially set it up where I established a date field on the form but hid it from users. I thought by selecting 'Today' from the drop-down…