Hyperlink to a specific row in another sheet?
Is there a way to hyperlink from one sheet to a specific row in another sheet? I want to be able to click on the link to jump from one sheet row to a specific row in another sheet. Thanks, Stan
Show date as day of the week
How can I use this forumla =TEXT(A3, "ddd") ?? This formula calculates the day of the week for the date and returns the abbreviated name of the day of the week (Thu). Every time I try to use this formula, it says "not recognized".
Generate list of recently updated sheets
I would like to have a quick readout of the five or ten most recently updated sheets from WorkspaceA or WorkspaceA --> Folder5 I can build a report that grabs all of the sheet rows by updated in the last 30 or 60 or 3000 days, but how can you get a list like: * FinanceSheetXYZ updated Yesterday by John Smith *…
Linked Cells with Numeric Value not working in Chart Widget
Hi, I have a roll up of numbers for the total of checkboxes checked off in our main data sheet. I've linked that totaled value into a separate sheet via the link cell capability. That is somehow not getting charted, and is showing up as "Invalid data"? What am I doing wrong?
VLOOKUP is data type of TEXT instead of DATE - sorting is off
I am currently creating an report which looks up dates based on specific milestone tasks over a number of project sheets. When the vlookup calculation is entered and I hit the Return key, is it giving me an alert that the value is not in date format. Being the admin, I am able to override this. But when sorting, it sorts…
Predecessors - Either/Or
Is there a way to make predecessors either/or? For example, I have my task on row 3 tied to tasks on rows 1 and 2. But in my project, both tasks 1 & 2 aren't required, they are an either/or kind of task. So I want my predecessors to be set up that task 3 will start when either task 1 OR 2 have been complete. Is there a way…
#NOMATCH Error in VLOOHUP when values are an exact match
I have two sheets: Change Oorders and Change Order Pricing. IN Change Orders, there is a column called Task1 which is a dropdown menu. The values in the drop down were copied and pasted from Change Order Pricing, "Task" column which is the first column. I created this formula: =VLOOKUP([Task1]@row, {Change Order Pricing…
Cell linking while in Card View?
I am wondering if it is possible to cell link while in card view? When I try to cell link dates to another sheet it appears I have to go to grid view to make that change. I am submitting a product enhancement request to allow cell-linking while in card view.
Vlookup/cell linking
Hi All, I've been having a lot of trouble with a vlookup formula that I have linking a sheet with ALOT of columns--just under 200. There seems to be a limit to the number of columns to 'look at' (which is 85.) This is the last formula that I have which works. =VLOOKUP(TODAY(), {1. DOR (Pull-out) Range 1}, 85, false) I…
Dependency Workaround: Linked End Date, Not Duration
I'm linking to someone's Start Date on a project, using the relevant sheet. However, the End Dates I need to track are at the end of a long set of tasks on another sheet - only once all those tasks are completed will this person's time on the project be done. I'd like to link to the very last task this person will perform…