Pull account name from another sheet???
Hello, I need help with the following. I am buildig a sales pipeline tracker. On one sheet I have a list of master accounts. On the tracker sheet I have a column named account list. Can I do a lookup/dropdown to get the account names from the other sheet? I want to ensure the account names are typed correctly by doing a…
Metric Widget Column Header
I am trying to grab data from my dashboard metrics sheet in such a way that data is associated with the selected column header, as opposed to the actual column header. I am trying to use the Metric Widget like how I use the Chart Widget, but am getting results like in the screenshot, attached, where the heading I am…
How to Concatenate multiple cells into a single cell within a VLOOKUP formula?
I've created a VLOOKUP formula to pull in data from a source smartsheet, into a 'staging' smartsheet but, if more than one row match the criteria, only the first row entered in the source smartsheet get entered into the cell on the 'staging' smartsheet. For instance, I'm looking for entries on the source smartsheet that…
How to determine how close I am to linking limits
Hi all, Is there a reasonable way to know if I'm getting close to the cross sheet link limits? Thanks, Darrell
Link a summary sheet to multiple workplans
I'd like to be able to link to fields in a separate worksheet based on certain criteria. I'll give an example to try and explain: I have multiple projects running concurrently; each has a separate project plan as they are shared with different stakeholders. Each project plan has an overall RYGB status, based on the 'worst'…
Building a Dashboard from a Report
Is this possible? I went to try and create a metrics sheet from the report but it doesn't show up. Building the report was supposed to group all of my similar items together, why can i not then build a metric sheet to create my Dash based upon that report?
How do Link a Column w/ drop down items between separate forms/sheets?
I'm new to SS. This is my first project. I have an audit process I am building for a customer. There are 5 separate forms needed for the audit process. I originally had all 5 forms feeding the same sheet but with over 100+ columns for each audit, I went crazy scrolling left to right looking for the information I needed and…
Gantt rollup for multiple projects
We are trying to rollup multiple project sheets that have tied in metrics. The gantt view is not allowing us to have the dependency arrows on our rollup. Do you have any suggestions how to create this? We have multiple tasks on our project sheets that have dependencies but our phases do not. I tried copying the dependency…
Report not pulling all sheet rows w/ linked cells
My Sheet contains all linked cells. There are 4 rows. I create a report to pull everything from the sheet with no conditions (Who? What? When?) but I only get back 3 rows. I have tried adding additional rows to the sheet but it still only returns 3 rows Help?
Using COUNTIF to determine quantity of rows with number not ending is 000
Hello, I'm trying to setup a "Line Quantity" of children where the primary column contains a 5 digit number. These numbers indicate line items of a purchase order and have a hierarchy themselves. The numbers that are considered the parent end in 000 with all the items that are children end in various numbers in increments…