Has anyone created a smartsheet to manage contracts?, specifically to perform the below activities: * track total amount vs. payments * track payments against deliverable complete * track contract ter…
Does anyone know if smartsheet has a feature whereby the address can be located automatically by filling in the postcode on a UK Address similar to https://www.parcelforce.com/postcode-finder It would…
Why doesn't Smartsheet have a Select All option when selecting Contacts as shown in screenshot attached. This seems like a simple thing that would save a ton of time!
Is there any construction companies out there that use Smartsheet other than for job tracking and HR? Maybe budgets and scheduling manpower? I need some ideas on how to set up those activities on smar…
I'm trying to conduct a query that will return all of the contacts within a geographic area based on their ZIP Code? For instance, if we have an event in Chicago and wanted to get a list of everyone w…
I have a sheet with a contact column. When I view the dropdown options for that column from within the sheet, they appear in alphabetical order. They are also in alphabetical order when I view them fr…
Hi, I have a spreadsheet to record building name, building manager and support staff assigned. Each row represent one building. After I import excel to smartsheet, I try to change the column propertie…
Dear Developer I would like to know if someone would be able to help me out (on a chargeable basis) to create a cashflow report that requires the consolidated view from 15 different companies. The ide…
Hi, Community member: I have already set up the notification and successfully. However, I want to add one more feature. Currently, my smartsheet has several columns: building, building name, building …