Trying to add a sheet via Add Shortcut Widget.
Hello, I am trying to add a Smartsheet to a dashboard via the Shortcut Widget, but when I go to select the sheet it does not appear. The owner of the sheet is shared to my dashboard but I only have editor permission to the sheet I am trying to add. Do I need to be Admin in order to add this sheet via Shortcut Widget?…
Allow changes to pie chart formatting when using a grouped report with one category as the source
Currently, when using a report that is grouped by a column, but only one grouping is available, we're unable to change certain formatting options of a pie chart. Specifically, the "Use column names as category labels", "Use first column as series labels", and "Switch rows & columns" toggles. As an example using this…
How to visually show "capacity" on dashboard
What I would like to do is have a "max" line or threshold, say of 100, so someone can look at the graph to see the capacity each project mgr has.... What is the best way to do this in Smartsheet on a dashboard?
Dashboard Improvement - ability to draw
I would like to be able to draw inside the dashboard, that is, to have the creation of lines and other figures available. However, the positioning of elements on the dashboard should be more flexible, that is, I would like to be able to overlay elements, whose transparency could reveal other data or images in the…
Lock report filters, while cells can still be edited
Hello, I currently have a dashboard with multiple reports pulling from the same grid of data, but each filtered a specific way. Is there a way to keep each of these reports editable, while locking the filters from editors? Thank you.
When will report card views be editable on dashboards and workapps
The sheet card view functionality works so beautifully on dashboards and workapps 😍 (image attached of sheet setting options on workapps). Will this be available soonish for card views on reports? Currently, the only editable report option is grid view on workapps. The workaround I'm implementing is to add the card view…
Dashboard Line Chart - Automatically Update
I have a Dashboard created with a Line Chart in place that plots simple data points 'as of' a certain date. I have a Data Shuttle that updates the source sheet each Friday with a new data point. Is there a way to get the Line Chart to automatically recognize that a new row / data point was added to the source sheet?…
Summary across sheets
I have two work plans with folks assigned to tasks and want to be able to see how many tasks on each sheet the person has assigned to them. For example (not in terms of formatting) Person A: Sheet X=# | Sheet Y =# Person B: Sheet X=# | Sheet Y =# I have a report grouped by person that has both sheets feeding into it but…
Optionally show item in dashboard
Pie chart not showing actually percent complete
@Paul Newcome Hi Paul - I found your solution for displaying appropriate percentage for pie charts in Dashboard. You had suggested entering a "helper column" =1 - [Percent Complete]@row. Your recommendation worked for one of my pies....but not for the others.....I am only referencing the two percentages so I am confused…