Dashboard Chart Widget Colors Automated?
We have a dashboard with lots of charts that show green, yellow, or red dependent on status from the source report. Ran into an instance today where the series was labeled green, but was showing the red harvey ball (meaning that our dashboard was reflecting 17 red projects instead of the correct 17 green). In a hurry, I…
Anyone figure out how or has/will SmartSheet add a "filter" ability/widget to Dashboards?
Read through the posts I could find regarding adding a "filter" to a dashboard so you could use a single master sheet with Summary fields and then filter by Dept (or some other field) to show that same dashboard with that Department's details. As recently as this month it appears this doesn't exist but the feature has been…
Rendering Milestone on dashboard
Creating dashboards and image widgets. There is a problem with the widget pulling from the source file. An example is a dashboard displaying milestones for a project. Milestones are seen as flat parent relationships The project plan has a typical parent-child structure, but the widget does not render correctly when linked…
Customize Widget Colors: individual colors per widget
The new enhancement that allows you to change the color of the Widgets is nice, but it would be nice if the widgets could each be a different color instead of all the same.
How can I automate/manage the update of URLs included in my dashboards as I provision new projects?
I'm wondering if the URLs included in my dashboards will update with the correspondent new one so as I provision new projects. For example, I have a form URL included in the blueprint dashboard, This URL comes from a sheet also in the blueprint. The ideal scenario will be where everytime a provision a project from control…
Dashboard Graphs with many columns/Bars
Is there a way to have a select all or a drop down menu in the legend to allow for just 1 item to be seen in the graphs. I know currently you can click individually on each one to turn them off however it can take quite a bit of time when there are 15+ datasets. I have been looking through all of the widget settings but…
Merged: Dashboard_Button menu at top
This discussion has been merged.
Labels in Dashboard Chart widget
Is there a way to place the data labels inside the bars? In addition, at the top or tip of the column bar, could we place another label, say the sum of the stacked bars? See sample look below
Dashboard help: wanting to find out how to remove the display label on the left of the chart widget
Widget Behaviour - Redirect to workapp
So widget behaviour currently if you choose to direct to the source of the data that checks the permissions for the user on the sheet not on the workapp so unless you give them permissions on the workapp and on the sheet they cannot access the raw data. Would it be possible to add the option to redirect to a workapp rather…