Scatter Charts
https://www.smartsheet.com/content-center/product-news/release-notes/scatter-chartsAugust 25, 2021
Hi Team,
I am looking to recreate this 3D Bubble Chart in SmartSheets. Is this feature available?
I would need the option to plot 3 variables. Please advise.
X = Benefit
Y = Effort
Z = Size of the bubble
Sowmya Venugopal
That specific chart type does not exist in Smartsheet, but you MAY be able to use a scatter chart. It is pretty much the same concept just not 3D.
Thanks for getting back, Paul.
Is there another chart/graph which I can use to rank the data points?
The reason is, the size of the bubble helps my stakeholders to prioritize the projects based on the effort and benefit. But, looks like I can't do that on the Scatter plot option. Please advise.
Sowmya Venugopal