I need to create a formula that will find the next expense date based off 3 other column categories. The columns and their categories are as follows: Due Date (single date when expense is due), Progra…
I thought I had this all figured out a while back, until diving back in now I notice that a handful of my dates are not working correctly. I figured out it is all of the rows where the person has a bi…
The current default date format is MM/DD/YYYY for all sheets in Smartsheet. Many people in our organization dislike this format and opt to change the date format for individual sheets they are working…
I have a date field for projected go live date for projects in my Sheet Summary. I would like to add another field with a formula that will display only the Month Name in another field so that when I …
I'm trying to make my Gantt display carry my current projects out with a hidden "completion date" row and IF= code, but it won't work. If my unhidden completion date cell is blank, I want it to autofi…
We have resource data in the Smartsheet so we can easily create Reports for managers and other purposes. For active employees, we have [End date] set up as 1/1/50 as a default. when I enter as 1/1/50,…
Hi, I would like to build a formula with the following logic: "Due Date = 3 BUSINESS DAYS prior to Deploy Date." Building a "3 DAYS prior formula is simple enough, but I'm wondering if anyone has solv…
Hey I have 2 columns that show different dates that I would want to see together in the calendar view. Has anyone figured out a work around for this or a clever formula to make this work? Hypothetical…
I want to calculate the first day of a month based on the "created date" column. I tried using Year Function to get the year, then the Month to get the month and last column calculates =Date(([Yearcol…
I'm attempting to write a SUMIFS formula where one of the criterion is to compare one date to another. It is returning 0 when it should return 1830. =SUMIFS({PURCHASING QTY EA}, {SHIP TO PLANT}, "HUBE…