UI "Improvements"
Hello Smartsheet Community- Last month Smartsheet released a new User Interface. This forum is FILLED with very concerned users who strongly feel these changes are not beneficial and they want the old Smartsheet tabs and navigation back. If you are one of these users, PLEASE keep asking smartsheet for updates on if the old…
Auto notification. When attachment downloaded
Hi. - I run a sheet with form to collate drawing data. the original form user uploads a drawing and this populates the sheet. the auto alert tells the other client (via email) of an attachment available for download. The client then downloads the attachment. Is there an auto alert to advise me - admin -that the attachment…
Enhancement Request: Return counts lost in UX Changes
There was this: https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/ux-changes-release-2018-02-13 I continue to miss the counts that were so visible and usable. Filter count - I now have to unfilter/filter to see a dropdown -- which goes away after a few seconds. Discussions. Open Update Requests. Attachments. I now have to click…
Loss of Tabs
Can someone please explain to me the reason for removing the sheet tabs and changing it to what we currently have now? I understand changes that are less user-friendly up front if they provide an overall better experience or increases the functionality and capabilities of a program. However, in this case I see absolutely…
NEW design & UI propositions, please take a look and comment
With the recent updates to the navigation interface and a lot of complaints from our users, I created how a simple and effective layout should look like. The current layout takes too many clicks and also the interface is getting too cluttered. Smartsheet should be simple and effective, with the most as possible data in the…
"Persistent", one-time date function
I'd like to see a function like "TODAY()", or cell behavior that supports it, that executes only once when an event is triggered so that the date result that never changes. My use case is a Card view Kanban board with status states: Ready, Dev, Test, Deploy, Done, and matching columns for their start dates, e.g. Dev Start.…
New layout - Hard to see what sheet I am in
It would be helpful to show the file space (or at least the option) in the heading of the sheet. The only way I can see what actual sheet I am in is File > Properties, would be nice to have this function in the heading. Thanks
Automatically repeat rows within a schedule (daily, weekly, monthly etc)
Hi, We use schedules to track publication output. Is there a way, when a form is completed or when a user adds to the schedule, an option can be selected to repeat the entry either daily, weekly, or monthly? Thanks, Dan
Alert email to send row attachments attached to the email
Is there a way of sending a row attachment attached to the email, rather than in a link, when using automatic alerts?
Smartsheet as CRM with differentiated Accounts, Contacts, and Tasks
Hi everyone! I am trying to use Smartsheet as a simple but complete sales/CRM solution. I want to be able to have three different things: Accounts (like a company, "XYZ Tractors") Contacts (like a person, "John Smith, Senior Manager, employee at XYZ Tractors”) Tasks (“Create a sales quote for John”) In Smartsheet, there is…