We are attempting to use Smartsheet to aggregate some of our quality data. Users score customer interactions and will utilize a web form to populate a Smartsheet. The sheet contains formulas that calc…
For a specific row I want to add some notes, more notes than the note column will take, can't use the discusssion option because I want to be able to edit these notes, don't want to attach a googledoc…
On occasion, our functional teams need to edit/add/subtract information from documents attached to specific project lines. The version history information helps us untangle the “conflicted copy” mess …
I created a Smartsheet to collaborate with a department that is in another facility. The nature of our collaboration can be time-sensitive, and when someone is out of the office we need to know. The p…
I just got started with Smartview and created a few discussions. Then I wanted to link those to a task. Can't quite figure out how to do that. Later, I found out I could create a discussion from the t…
Hi All, I use smartsheets mostly as a project management system for my clientbase. Most of my clients reuiqre porject schedules to be in Microsoft porject and I prefer doing my plans in MSP as it has …
I would like to be able to change the width of the forms I would like the form to be able to identify the entry in the email is an actual email address
I have a database of clients that i curently run on a traditional database platform. I have been thinking of mooving completely to smartsheet but one thing has been holding me back... i want to be abl…