Apply text formatting to tasks in card view
I would like to be able to, essentially, apply multiple conditions to rows and be able to see them in card view. Currently, I have a condition that changes the task bar color based on a dropdown column. I'd like to also have the ability to apply a text-related condtion (changing the text color to red if the due date is…
Question on multiple predecessors
Hello! When using 2 predessors for one row, smartsheet calculates the later start date. How can I manage to get the earlier start date. For me it sounds like a common requirement. Start as early as necessary to meet 2 alternative deadlines ... Kind regards Michael
Changing Colors of Gant Charts
Is it possible to change the colors of the main timeline bars (not just sub-timelines) on a Project sheet in Gantt view? I do not like the grey.
How to stop Alerts being triggered by TODAY() formula
Hi Everyone, This is my first post on here and hope someone can point me in the right direction. I have a formula cell which references TODAY() in a certain IF criteria. I also have several alerts going to various users which are generated if cells are added or changed on specific rows (including an alert to myself to show…
Row or Record roll up and multiple forms or sheets
I have been attempting set up a relational database for multiple client use. This database should track records (rows including child rows) as it progresses through different phases. Projects may stop periodically and should be searchable and may be re-started later. I have tried using 3 column relational connection to…
Dynamic Views - Logic Field Selection
It is very tedious selecting each field for hide/read-only/require when you have multiple. You have to go in and out over and over to get all of the fields added. It would be nice to have the ability to select multiple fields from a list.
Dynamic Views - Details Form Multiple Line Display Fields
In the Details form, if mulitple line is selected, it would be great if the field would automatically expand to fit the widest text entry. Currently, every time you move from a record and return you have to resize the multiple line fields so that you can read the entries. I'd rather it be opened to show all text and then…
Dynamic Views - Logic Reorder
It would be great when you have multiple logic rules to be able to reorder then so that you can group items together even if they were entered back to back.
Dynamic Views - View Display Customized Headings
It would be great if you could customize the field headings in the View display just like you can in the Details display.
Dynamic Views - Initial Value Logic
It would be great to use logic to set an initial value not just a hard coded value.