Using Smartsheet to create Time Off Request Calendar, Dynamic View, Form, Report, in Dashboard
Hi all, Through some trial and error I created a Time Off Request system for my team (80 people) I started with grid rows: Employee Email (text), Supervisor Email (text), Division (drop down), Time Type (drop down: Vacation/Personal/Admin/Comp OR Sick/Bereavment/Jury Duty), Start Date (date), End Date (date), Partial Day…
Auto updating form field dropdown menu based on entry submissions
I am trying to create a form that gives users dates and times from a dropdown list to sign up for coaching sessions in a way that when one person has selected a given date and time it doesn't allow another person to select that time and disables/eliminates it as an option from the form field dropdown menu. Is this possible…
Using DataMesh to Split One Line Onto Multiple Lines (for Forms Entries and Other Uses)
This is a problem I've heard a few times so I'm answering it in a separate post for reference in long form. I'm using the example from @WtaylorW's question over here. The basic need is to take one line and split it onto multiple lines. In this example you have a form that's inputting multiple names in different columns,…
Smartsheet Calendar App Open Form with New Event Button
I am running into issues with the Allow New Event on the calendar app. The required fields are set when you open details and you cannot make additional fields required. Other issues I find are fields that are included for display purposes that would normally be grayed out on an existing element (due to column formula) can…
Using Multiple Forms to Update a Single Row
Is there a way to use multiple forms to feed into a single row? An example would be our orthopedics program. Our coordinator collects several pieces of information from multiple departments (OR, Pre-Surgical, Med/Surg Nursing Floor, Education, etc.) Can I build something so she can create a row per patient with their ID…
Split Multiple Selections In Single Form Into Individual Rows (Core Product)
There have been a number of people asking how to make multiple selections in a single form and then have those selections broken down into individual rows, and the previous answer was always to use a 3rd party app, a premium add-on, or the API. Below is a set of detailed instructions on how to accomplish this within the…
Editing rows with forms is the #1 missing feature
I know this is not a new topic, there are many questions and discussions on this already. But me and my end users really need a form view for modifying existing rows. My rows contain over 250 columns in the database I'm building. If I could create different form views to modify rows with, my efficiency would probably…
Free Smartsheet Webinar Series by DigitalRadius
I wanted to share an exciting resource that I think a lot of you will find valuable! Our Customer Success team here at DigitalRadius is hosting a Free Smartsheet Webinar Series now through the end of the year, designed to help you unlock the full potential of the Smartsheet platform. It starts tomorrow! Here’s what’s…
Formatação automática inserção de dados formulário
Quando envio dados ao smartsheet por meio de um formulário, ele está formatando dados de uma lista suspensa para milhares, o que não deveria ocorrer visto que são ID's/Serial Numbers. Até um tempo atrás isso não estava acontecendo e do nada isso mudou. Como impedir isso?
The ability to omit blank fields in email notifications
When sending alerts and requests through automation, we currently have the option to send a message including either all fields, specific fields or the message only. For my particular organisation(and i would imagine many others), none of these options work. We have dynamic forms that build themselves based on answers and…