Populate field with name of file submitted through web form?
If someone uses a web form to upload a file attachment, is there a way to auto-populate a cell with the name of that attachment? For example, the form user submits a file named Test123.xls. Is there a way to auto-populate a cell with "Test123"?
Creating Yes/No Checkboxes in a Web Form
Hi, I'm trying to create a web form using a Smartsheet with about 30 questions in it, and I want to add in check boxes so that the user can answer a question Yes or No. However, the only way I can think to do this is to create the question as a column, and then create a seperate Yes and a seperate No column to give me the…
Use web form to return row or report from another sheet?
I have a sheet with 2500+ rows of data + attachments. I would like to allow a technical group the ability to complete the web form with some criteria and return the rows that have the specific value in it. Ideally this would be a nice report nicluding any attachments. Can this be done? The other option is to give access to…
Recipient information
Hey, I wanted to send a web form link to a group of my customers. For this reason, I have set up a group in Group Management. After sending this web form link to this group, I have noticed that recipients can see each other. I wonder is it possible to hide this information, so that each recipient is unable to see other…
Creating multiple row entries from one submitted web form?
Back with (what I believe to be) another obscure question that I don't know how to search for nor find an answer to. I'm attempting to work around the issue of not being able to have more than two dates in a row - we run news stories to multiple audiences so would prefer to have one row for each story, with up to ~10 date…
Excluding indented rows from being auto-numbered
I am using a web form for users to intitate developent requests and have set up column to auto-number each job request (P0001, P0002 etc.). The shop supervisor then adds rows below each job request to assign tasks to different team members and indents these under the main job request. Smartsheet assigns each indented row…
Can multiple web-forms feed the same row upon submission?
Good Morning, I would like to have two webforms: one for an external user and the other for an internal user to each fill out and submit separately but have all the information from each webform compile and fill into the same row on the master sheet. Is there any way to link the two web-forms so they can feed the same row…
I am trying to record telemarketing results for multiple users, who want a simple sheet to "tick" one of four boxes as to the quality of the call, every time they make one. This needs to be automatically updated, and centralised onto a single sheet, with the ability to breakdown into user and date. Ideally, we dont wish to…
I had my Google form synced with Smartsheet and it has been working well. For no known reason, new form entries from Google no longer enter into Smartsheet. An error occurs when I go into the Google form and try to reconnect. The error is below: What could have caused this error? How can I fix this error without having to…
Virtual Time Cards - Contractors Working Remotely - Timecards
We manage a group of independent contractors that work off site. We are looking for a design of a web form so they can record the hours worked daily. This would have to allow for start time, lunch time (punch out), lunch time (punch in), and end time. Looking for a formula to calculate the hours worked daily, weekly, and…