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Adding auto-numbered field to web form??

Jennifer Billings
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I want to add my auto-numbered field into my web form so that when the confirmation email gets sent it includes the assigned number to that request. Has anyone accomplished this? And, if so, how do I do it? Thank you! 


  • Stephanie Taylor
    Stephanie Taylor ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Here is a possible fix.  It's not the greatest but it could work.


    Add a column titled Request Number (or however you want to name it) with the value of 1  in the first row.  Then in the second row enter the formula =[request number]2=1 and copy it down the rows.  


    Then in the webform bring that column over to the webform and insert help text asking the person submitting the form to leave this field blank.  


    When they receive their confirmation email the request number will prepopulate in that field giving them their request number.

  • JohnHinkle
    JohnHinkle ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Another option is to use Zapier which can email users a confirmation email containing the data from the web form, including the auto number from the sheet. 

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