Quickly Navigate Back to Smartsheet from WorkApps
Hi Community, Did you get tired of having to open a separate browser tab when you wanted to return to Smartsheet from a WorkApp? We sure did, well not anymore! Our latest update allows users to seamlessly navigate from WorkApps back to their work in Smartsheet with just one click by selecting the Smartsheet icon on the…
HELP: sending automated notifications to multiple contacts in a cell
Hi Folks Is there a way to send an automated email (via workflow) to multiple comma-separated emails in a cell ? I have tried, but so far have failed. Nothing seems to happen when I trigger the workflow. Any help would be appreciated.
Mark Duplicates In Multiselect Dropdown Contacts Column vs Employee Names List?
Ok, we're making a labor schedule, and want to be able to note when and where someone is used multiple times so we can prevent overscheduling someone and ensuring proper manpower. With the above as an example, I want to highlight a cell in [Employees on Job] (multiselect dropdown contacts) column, when one of the values in…
Can someone help me figure out why my multiple IF formula will not work?
=IF([PO Type]@row = "Standard With Quote", [Quote Amount (ESTIMATING)]@row - [PO Amount Including Change Orders ]@row),IF([PO Type]@row = "Non Standard No Quote", [Original PO Amount (Labor Only If Req) (PO Admin)]@row)) Everything is fine until I add the second "IF" statement. Thanks in advance.
We have this one unlicensed user who cannot "Email Comment"
We have this one unlicensed user who cannot "Email Comment." He has "Edit but cannot share" privilege on a few smartsheets. Tried on another browser, another computer. Deleted account and re-created. No success. We have many other uses that can do it except this user. When I click "Send" button, it tries but no new message…
How to avoid webhook triggering from cell format updates???
I'm using make.com to do some automations when certain columns in a row are updated. Works great until someone re-aligns the columns and updates 1500 cells at once, sending my webhook 1500 requests. I can filter them out by detecting the actual data cell history, but it still uses 3000 operations for no reason and ties up…
Option to include Children rows in Filtered results
I maintain master lists of initiatives in one sheet for each program I'm tracking but not managing. When conducting reviews, I filter the list of initiatives based the stakeholders I am meeting with. Most often, the Children of row item that matches the filter criteria are needed for discussion during my reviews. I…
Countifs in date range and value range.
I am stuck on this formula, it doesn't become unparseable but it doesn't result in an accurate count. My goal with this is to is to keep an annual tally of a specific age range of patient the formula is as follows: =COUNTIFS({Trauma Chart Audit Age}, <15) + COUNTIFS({Trauma Chart Audit Age}, NOT(ISNUMBER(@cell)), {Trauma…
florin schmanek
The original owner shown on our Smartsheet permission rights as owner has since left the organization how can I change my permission rights from Adm to owner?
Formula for Milestone Health
I'm trying to figure out a formula for "Site Health". Each site has 9 milestones that will have a "Milestone Health" column. Each milestone must be completed a certain number of days before the project end date (October 31-22). I don't know how to create a formula to make the milestone health Green, Yellow and Red. At the…