Adding "color & logo" formats to existing Workspace & Sheets
Hello, I have a workspace with 3 sheets in it and I would like to change the color & logo settings. EAch time I go to the Color & Logo settings it takes me back the to the main "Sheets" area on the left and doesn't allow me to change the Workspace or sheets on that workspace. What am I missing ? Thanks.
Task Duration - Partial day at beginning of period, not the end
Hi, I notice when you add a half day duration to a task, it places the half day at the end of the period, for example a start date of 13/11/17 (Monday) with a duration of 2.5 days will result in the half day being on the Wednesday. Is it possible to make the half day on the Monday and the full day on the Wednesday? I'm…
Setting a default format with Parent/Child Rows
Hello, Is it supported to set a default format for parent/child rows? For example, when a row becomes a parent, automatically * set text to bold * set text size == 16 * set the row background color to gray and * set the text to white. Thank you, Justin
Enhancement feature - Merge Cells functionality
Wanted to start a thread for an enhancement feature to try and push this up in the road map prioritisations. For such a simple and standard feature in tools like Excel and Google Docs it has become such a barrier during the process of trying to migrate exsisting documents form the above tools to Smartsheets and now is…
Trying to work around the 5000 row limit
Hi Guys, I know there are other questions on this, such as here: https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/rss-feed But in the interests of etiquette I thought I better start my own thread. So I have a sheet where I add a new row at the top. Every three months or so I reach the 5000 row limit and have to move rows out…
Transferring information from one sheet to another when checkbox checked
I have a system whereby people are able to report issues by completing a form through smartsheet. Once the issues are clarified or resolved, I want to release certain information to other parties, but not all of it. I would like to be able to check a checkbox that says "release" and this will then trigger a transfer of…
Automatic Address Finder
Does anyone know if smartsheet has a feature whereby the address can be located automatically by filling in the postcode on a UK Address similar to https://www.parcelforce.com/postcode-finder It would be great if someone knows an app that can be integrated into the platform/worksheet to allow for me to select the correct…
Drag fill across colomns
I have a sheet with 180 columns, each with a "add sum" *=sum([column name]:[column name]*. I am trying to "drag fill" the add sum across all 180 columns - but the formula does not adjust to the [column name]...any other way of doing this than typing the formula for each column? TY
Has anyone used Tempus by Prosymmetry?
My Smartsheet contact had recommended Prosymmetry to me for my companies resourcing and time tracking needs, and I'm doing due diligence and vetting. Can't find much information on this company including their seed funding or VC info. Has anyone else used this tool? What has your experience been?
DSN architecture mismatch
When I try to follow the ODBC instructions for the 64 bit Live Data Connector to use it with Microsoft Excel or Access 2016 and the Smartsheet DSN I set up in Windows 10 using an API access token, I get the following error: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the…