What's the difference between zapier and azuqua?
Just trying to understand my options. I use zapier right now but keep hearing about azuqua. Any advantages of one over the other? Thanks
Resource location dependency
Hi, Is it possible to constrain resources based on location? Maybe have a dependency or something that would allow me to schedule only North East resources on projects located in the North East. If none are available, I'd be able to override this dependancy as well. Thanks!
User Interface
I guess many of you are using Smartsheets to great effect in many different ways. Some of the ways I am configuring it for my clients is to act as a service request/ticketing tool (for cleaning/maintenance tasks). Customers fill in service request forms, which creates a new row in a sheet. There, a manager adds a bunch…
Smartsheet won't save changes after a sorting
This morning I did a sort on one of my columns so I could review and enter data easier. When I went to save the data Smartsheet told me it couldn't and to save data more often. I tried doing the sort and then saving after the first number update and I got the same error. The only way I can save my changes is if I don't do…
Alstom Legacy Team Members
Our team has several Alstom Legacy team members. Does anyone know of any issues with Alstom users (Alstom email address) accessing & editing shared sheets?
Unable to set Outlook Reminders
Hello, We created a smartsheet and subscribe to the calendar using the publish to ical function. It displays correctly in Outlook, but when we try to set a reminder in the Outlook calendar it gives an error saving "the reminder for xxxx will not appear because the item is in a folder that doesn't support reminders". When I…
How to: Force Dashboard to be default screen when starting Smartsheet?
Is it possible to force the Dashboard to be on top each time you open Smartsheet? I searched but found no informationabout this, and any options are not obvious to me. I think it would be quite useful to always open to the To-Do list.
Create an update request for a single row, and send to an email listed in that row ?
I have a contact list with 500 rows, one for each employee, that requires constant updating as staffing changes. Is it possible to create an update request for a single row, and have that request go out only to an email address listed in the row, permitting each user to view and update only their own information in one row…
How can I automatically capture date of entry on form
Hello - I've setup a webform for users to enter information about potential participants in a program. I want the form to automatically capture the date when the form is completed. I had initially set it up where I established a date field on the form but hid it from users. I thought by selecting 'Today' from the drop-down…
Nesting Formulas excluding future dates
Hallo Everyone I have a Nested Formula that looks like this. =IF((Eficiencia19) >= 0.9, "Green", IF((Eficiencia19) <= 0.7, "Red", IF((Eficiencia19) > 0.7, "Yellow"))) What it does , it automatically put a symbol, depending of the value of a cell. It does this independendly of the date. Green : >=0.90 Yellow: > 0.70 and <…