Sheet Summary Report Builder only shows the system columns
I am trying to create an aggregated view of data from multiple sheets using the "Sheet Summary Report" but when get to the Builder, it only shows the system columns for display. Obviously this is not helpful if I cannot merge together data from columns other than the system columns. Am I doing something wrong?
Can multiple users make updates at the same time to a report with a 'has any' 'current user' filter?
Hi, Background: I have multiple Smartsheet files with around 1000 rows that each involves around 20 assigned individuals with various technology literacy. Due to assignees various technology literacy and to maintain the integrity of the Smartsheet file, I've created an individual report per assignee that is filtered by…
Dashboard access via link not showing the user as logged in.
So, I am having an issue with my published dashboard. I have embedded a report utilizing the current user function. I have found that when my team accesses the dashboard by manually navigating to it through SmartSheet, the report works perfectly and they are able to view it. However, when they use the published link (which…
Reference Predecessor Cell / INDIRECT Function
I'm using a formula to automate a status column that updates based on dates and/or a "Complete" checkbox. The formula has to reference the task before and I've gotten that to work just fine if it's the literal task before. My problem is that I'd like to adjust the formula so that it references a predecessor task (as…
How to compare a date range using a cross sheet reference
Thanks, AJ
Integrate Master Schedule
Hi all - We are really struggling with Smartsheet's project schedule capabilities. We were originally led down the path by the Smartsheet employee aligned to our implementation hours to create one sheet (which is now 5K lines and growing). We cannot see bunching of activities, overlapping activities within a timeline,…
What to do when I can't view/see or see the Shared Filter options while other Users can?
I can't view/see or see the Shared Filter options that a sheet collaborator with Business account created but other collaborators with Free User account can see and use the Shared Filters. What is causing this? I have a Free User account and I have tried signing in and out and refreshing the page to no avail. What should I…
Dependency Logic based on one or the other predecessor tasks
Is is possible to create schedule logic where a dependent task is dependent on one of two predecessors (either or not both)? For Example: I am trying to build out a schedule template for if a permit is required vs not for a specific project. IF a permit is required then the rest of the schedule should be based on the…
Rows will not stay in place. NEED HELP NOW
We use a sheet as both a schedule and data collection tool as part of a much larger system we just put in place (literally 5 days ago, moved from google sheets). The information is organized manually first by employee and second by the priority of projects. Recently, the information in the sheet began jumping randomly…
Ability for PM's to select which projects they want to receive a status update request e-mail
On an ad-hoc basis I need project managers to be able to select which project(s) they want to receive the status update request so they can update accordingly. Currently In my dashboard I give them access to a separate "project selection" sheet containing the project list (linked in from the master data sheet) and a…