Column Formulas in SUMIFS
Hi there, I'm currently using a SUMIFS formula that is as follows: =SUMIFS({v4 Hours}, {v4 end}, MONTH(@cell) = 12, {v4 Group}, OR(@cell = "AD", @cell = "Freelancer")) I want to sum the task hours column {v4 Hours} if the End Date for the task is in December, and the group has one of 2 values. Each {reference} refers to a…
Does anyone have a project plan for installing a new phone system?
I'm trying to find a project plan for implementation of a new phone system. I know every system and every company will vary but something to start with would be so helpful to me. Thank you
How do i track progress based on output?
I have a project that involves building fences in a number of locations. Each location has a budgeted lineal distance of fencing, and we will need to track progress of distance completed against budgeted. I can do it in an excel spreadsheet, but would like to have it as part of my smartsheet plan. Am new to smartsheet!…
CountIF with wild card
I'm trying to count the number of items in a column where part of the text shows. Is there a way to do this? For e.g., I'd like it to count up the number of rows from a column in which the words "ids" show up. Keeping in mind this only part of the text (e.g. some rows say "ids?", "ids due", "IDS? Client refs" etc." I've…
Multi-select string operation
Hi all, I have three columns which have the same drop down options: requested, received and pending. I would like the "pending" column to have all options from the "requested" column except for what's in the "received" column. For example: under "requested": option 1,2,3,4; under "received": option 1,2; under "pending"…
Trying to create a Projections sheet and need some suggestions please!
Hello everyone. I am hoping someone may be able to give me an idea on how to create a projections sheet for our engineering projects. I would like to build it out so I can spread the total hours per staff type over the duration of the project. I have tried a few different ways and cannot seem to figure out how to create it…
Lookup & Display First Non Empty Cell In A Range of cells within a column
I am attempting to write a formula in a header cell that returns the first Non-Blank row in a series within the related column. Excel permits this by using the Index and Match formulas but requires that "CONTROL, SHIFT & ENTER" be pressed for the formula to work. When attempting this in SmartSheet, I receive an "#INCORRECT…
RAG indicator options
Hi there community I have a portfolio of several hundred projects being monitored and reported via dashboards and reports in Smartsheet. We are currently using RAG indicators against schedule as follows: Red - Incomplete at reporting date or due date passed Amber - at risk Green - schedule within tolerances (+/- 10%…
Reporting like pivot or sumif. How to roll up values by name or category?
Is there a way to combine cell entries and give the total assigned to that category? Ex. Project Lead Cost savings John $100 Mary $500 Bob $400 John $200 Mary $75 Bob $60 REPORT = John Total = $300 Mary Total = $575 Bob Total = $460
Limiting Characters in a Cell/Date Validation
I want to limit the number of characters that a requester can enter into a cell via a form. The use case is that the user is entering a new request for consideration into an Intake Form. In assigning a name to their project request, we want to limit them to no more than 25 characters, based on limitations from another…