Conditional Web Form Formatting
I am aware that limiting characters in a form (text) field does not exist. Is it possible to apply a conditional formatting rule to a text field in a form that alerts the submitter that they have reached a specific character count (in the field) prior to submitting the form? For example: When character count is greater…
Doing by date and not by task
We are a Habitat for Humanity affiliate. We do a group of different tasks on each day we build. Can I have a task for the days such as Day One, Day Two, Day Three and so on and make that the predecessor for the different tasks done on that day. If not how do I do it.
Summing children rows without double counting parents
Hello friends- I am creating a spreadsheet to help track project financials for a specific grant that the non-profit which I work for received. Specifically in the Summary Table, I have a sumifs formula which grabs specific line items based on the date and which installment of the grant they are using. I believe that the…
Sub-task card lane driven my main card
I am using card view as a materials log and I have a question regarding the 'grouping' of cards. The problem: We have a pallet containing 4 boxes. The pallet is assigned to a lane in the sheet. I have created a sub-task card for each box on the pallet. When I move the pallet card the sub-task cards remain in the lane. The…
Auto Status Change/Update
Hi, I am trying to create a tracked schedule and was wondering if smartsheet had an option or setting that auto updated status based on the date entered and real time date. For example if a phase is due at 08/24/2018 and it is 08/25/2018 and the status box of completion is not checked yet, is there a way to create…
IFERROR and ISERROR do not work properly!
No matter if I use IFERROR or ISERROR formula Smartsheet always returns #BLOCKED Some how the back end ignores the IF/ISERROR formals and is returning #BLOCKED =IF(ISERROR([Project name]1293), " - ", "Green") result is not - but #BLOCKED =IFERROR([Project name]1293, " - ") result is not - but #BLOCKED
Need Flag or No Flag based on one or both of two columns being blank or within 7 days
Used this formula to get No Flag and Flag result based on the date/whether the cell was blank. =IF(ISBLANK([Date1]2), 0, IF([Date1]2<= TODAY(7), 1, 0)) Now I need to get a Flag if the date in Date2 column OR Date3 column is within 7 days and No Flag if the Date2 column OR Date3 column are blank. I think I got the blank…
Countifs with OR across multiple columns
Hello all, I'm a fairly new (2 weeks) smartsheet user and I'm trying to write a formula that will count several columns based on specfic criteria. I want to count the number of Open projects (status) that are associated with engineering by either person/dept assigned column 1 or 2, and are of a safety concern (category)…
Using SUMIF to provide value of orders from this week only
Hi, I am trying to get a formula to sum the total value of orders invoiced this week. The formula i have tried is below, but returns '0' as the value. =SUMIF({Completion Date}, {Completion Date} = WEEKNUMBER(TODAY()), {Order Value}) The sheet references are to single columns titled 'Completion Date' and 'Order Value'…
Film, Commercial or Television Project Management/Schedules template?
Is anyone using Smart sheet for there TV series, Commercials, Film projects? Looking for a template that covers Project development , Project Greenlight, pre production, shooting schedule, edit/post schedule... Looking for somethiing that will manage production scedule and producers/editors. Before I build it I thought I'd…