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New: Saved Filters, Search, Comment Updates...and More

edited 06/15/17 in General Announcements

Hello Community,

There are some great new enhancements in this month’s release.  See below for a summary...and, as usual, you can always check out the product release notes for the whole rundown. For your convenience, I’ve also included here links to relevant Help Center content.

Happy exploring and reading! Smile

1. Create, Save, and Share Multiple Filters

It’s now possible to create, save, and even share multiple filters on a sheet.  A new “Create New Filter” interface lets you define sheet-level filters across multiple conditions and criteria.

Help Article: Using Filters to Show or Hide Sheet Data

2. Improved Search

You can narrow Search results by location (Folders and Workspaces), type (Sheets, Rows, Smartsheet Sights™, or Reports), and Last Modified date. Even better, you can stack modifiers to refine your search. The results are displayed with quick previews so you can easily identify what you’re looking for.

Help Article: Searching in Smartsheet

3. Comments Enhancements

We made several enhancements designed to make navigating and reading through comments easier.  New buttons in the Comments form give you greater control over what’s displayed: you can now expand or collapse comment threads.

Help Article: Working with Comments

4. Find & Replace Enhancements

Find & Replace (Ctrl+F on a PC or Cmd+F on a Mac) now alerts you to the existence of terms in collapsed rows, filtered rows, and hidden columns. We’ve also added a Previous button so you can search forward or backward in your sheet.

Help Article: Find and Replace Values within a Sheet

5. Publish Sights

Customers who are licensed to use Sights can now publish them without directly sharing or requiring others to log in. (Sights can also be embedded on web page or intranet.)

Help Article: Publishing Smartsheet Items

6. Add a Lane in Card View

Sheet admins can now add lanes directly from within Card View by clicking the “Add Lane” button. Once a lane is added, it can be moved to the desired location by dragging the title.

Help Article: Using Card View to Visualize Your Project



  • I love the new multiple filters -- but now can't seem to sort rows! Is anyone else having this problem?

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    I was sort of hoping that I would be able to use this to not only filter data by Row but also to filter Columns in or out of the result.


    We still need to Hide columns manually and can still only unhide all.  Painful.


    Any news on a simple Tick box to allow us to Hide and Unhide columns easily.



  • edited 09/23/16

    @Bethany ... I think this was also the case previously? IE you couldn't sort rows once you had applied a filter?


    Certainly it would be much better if you could !

  • ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 09/23/16



    saved filters are great, but people are never satisfied, so... yes it would be good to add the ability to filter out selected columns.


    Publishing sights is also a very welcome addition.



  • Potentially a good addition (have yet to test drive in detail) BUT...


    We should not lose the previous "simple filter" view where users were presented with a list of all values in the column and simply ticked the ones they wanted to include/exclude


    This was incredibly easy and intuitive to use for "basic" users - it needs to be preserved as a "Simple Filter" , with the new interface being separately available as an "Advanced Filter"


    Update - Sorry I should have looked closer - I see that under certain query conditions (eg "is one of" / "is not one of")  this "simple filter" UX still applies ... it's just not as immediately obvious as it was before. I'll see how our users get on before assuming that they won't like it!




  • I really like the filtering capability. We have one big sheet our team works off of during the year so this helps us quickly toggle only the information we need during staff meetings all while staying within the sheet!


    Thanks for this development.Laughing


    If you still want to sort columns as usually you must turn off any filters first -> do your sort -> then re-apply your filter... that is no big deal.

  • Hi,


    Thanks for this extra "save filter" functionality. Perfect!


    The sorting functionality for me is still a problem. Also after I remove all filets and do a "save"



  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Just a note that some people may not realise.


    If you are sorting on a Column that has a Dropdown list, it sorts in the order of the Dropdown List not Alpha Numeric.


    If you are aware I appoligise, but I am sure some people may not know that.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    The filter and search features will be a great for us

  • @JamesR - thanks, I didn't know that !

  • Hi Everyone—glad you're enjoying the new release features! 


    I'm seeing some feedback around wanting to filter out columns with a filter, or at least a faster way to hide columns. I'll pass your feedback for this along to our Product team for further review.


    I'll also pass your feedback along for a way to sort filtered rows. 

  • @Rick Kruidenier - If you're still unable to sort rows after removing all filters and saving, you may be selecting rows that span across different hierarchies (child from one row and child from another row). To be able to sort, you must include any parent rows of the children you're selecting.


    Otherwise, it's possible that you've selected one or more locked rows/columns in the sheet, and are shared on the sheet as an Editor. You can check your sharing permissions by clicking the Sharing tab at the bottom. To fix this, have the sheet Owner or another Admin provide you with Admin privileges on the sheet.


    If the above options don't work, I'd recommend emailing and possibly providing them with the exact name of the sheet, and a screenshot of the rows you're selecting to sort.

  • @spencer, When you select a dropdown column the filter will always auto select to "Is one of" which mimics the "select from list" behavior of the old column filters. We have also added a "blank" token to the list which didn't exist before, the abilty to "OR" between columns, and most importantly the ability to share the filter (if you are on a team, business or enterprise plan). 

  • Hi all! I don't have any filters on and still can't sort--is it just me?

  • ✭✭✭✭

    Are there any plans to reverse the Comments so the most recent is at the top?

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