How to summarize and visualize sheet summary data of multiple sheets?
Hi! I've been using SmartSheet to track progress of different business units on a particular project. Each unit has its own sheet containing grid data that they fill out, as well as sheet summary data where I calculate different KPIs (e.g. number of records with specific status). For each unit, the sheet summary data is…
How to set up and automate a template for this report chart in the dashboard?
Hi guys, do you know how to set up the following report chart in my dashboard? I have seen this kind of report chart in one of the Smartsheet webinars. My requirements to this report chart would be : Every time I set up a new project plan, every person in my "Assigned to" column should be automatically involved in this…
Converting project links from report to hyperlink in Power BI
I have a report that I am using to feed into a Power BI file. There's a column in the report for a link to individual project sheets, but this column shows up at text only in Power BI (For example, a clickable hyperlink to "Sheet A" in Smartsheet shows up as "Sheet A" as text only in Power BI). Is there a way to get the…
Valid sheet cell value becomes #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET when aggregated into a report
Hi, I have a formula which displays the correct value at the sheet level =IF([Date Answered]@row = "", "", (YEAR([Date Answered]@row))) example output = 2021 or if there isn't a date present the cell would be blank. However, when I aggregate the sheet rows into a report the cell values show as #INCORRECT ARGUMENT SET Can…
Creating a Master Project List and Dashboard
Hello, I would like some help in designing a Master Project List, and a Master Project Executive Summary Dashboard. We have a Roadmap that contains each functional area's main projects/initiatives. Is there a way I can build a formula to have all the information from each road map combined into one Master Roadmap... Which…
Use report count value in dashboards
Hello, I am new to Smartsheets. I have tried searching in the forums, but couldn't get a resolution. Below is the scenario. In Folder - Project Type 1 Project 1 Project 2 Project 3 Using Summarise function of a report, I can get the count of number of projects in each folder. Can I use this count value in a Grid or…
Report not updating after source sheet is edited and saved
Hi, I am trying to update a report but whenever the source sheet is updated and saved, those updates do not filter into the report. I have tried waiting to see if it just takes some time to update, refreshing both sheet and report, closing out of and reopening both sheet and report, but nothing seems to work. Additionally,…
Running a report with multiple drop-downs
Hi. I am running a QI report where we are looking at any kudos for our agents. We want to recognize our top performers, and we have a sheet where we collect that data for specific agents and incidents. On most incidents there will be 2 or more agents receiving those kudos, so we created a multiple select drop-down to enter…
Report in Dashboard - how to disable the "open report" link?
Hi all, since some time there is an open "open report" link under each report in the dashboard. But the user should not be able to open the report, how can I disable this? Thank you