Currently I have reports that pull sheets that are in a specific folder. Over time, if I remove the sheets from that folder, the sheets continue to be pulled. The only way I know how to update the rep…
Hello, Do we have an option/solution for the a "current user" report/dashboard that will display something other than the magnify glass message below……maybe like "Great Job!!! You are current."…..or a…
Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a staked columns chart in my dashboard to show per Assigned to the number of cases per status. However, the chart shows up just as 1 big column. Would someone knows w…
Hello, everyone! I have an automated Report that exports as an Excel file attachment to a team leader every week. He uses this report to upload info into a different system (not project management, a …
Hello, everyone! Automated Reports that export as an Excel file attachment come with the report on one worksheet tab and a second worksheet tab called "Comments." I don't need the "Comments" worksheet…
It would be great if we had the option to group line items in a report by options selected in a dropdown column. Ex. If you are viewing projects within a global campaign and have "country" as a column…
Calendar App gurus, please help. I've got a Project Plan sheet that I've got five groups or buckets. I created a Report that only shows the top-level records/rows (so five rows). I have created a Cale…
I really think it would make things better if I could easily expand and collapse all on the mobile app. It's too much to scroll through on a small screen, and also very time consuming to manually coll…