Expand Project Row
Hello, I would like to know if you are able to expand a row into a dashboard view. For example, if one row shows a project I am working on, and I have included several notes.. is there a way I can blow it up into a quick view of all items of included in the row (notes, dates, etc.). I would like to show/send the project…
HELP! Summary Report to pull from different sheets based on multiple drop down selection
Hello! I am new to Smartsheets and am trying to build a Summary Report based on drop down selections and data from various sheets. I have a TON of data and too many cells so I've had to spread it out on a sheet per month. I have two drop down selections. One is to select the month and the other is to select a division…
Primary column not returning values in Report
I am creating a report using data from 5 different sheets. All 5 sheets use the same columns, including a primary column called Project Name. The column has data in on all 5 sheets, however this data is not showing in the report. Interestingly, when I print the report to pdf, I see the project name values.
Report to Pull data from Current Month
Hello - I use smart sheets to generate deposit logs for multiple clients. I give them access to their deposit logs via a dashboard. One of the reports they need is a deposit log for the current month. At the moment, I just update the report criteria to return the current months by adjusting the dates the report pulls, but…
Report for yesterday
Hello, I hope someone can help me. Maybe I'm blind, but I can't find a way to make a Report for only yesterday, I work on a big sheet (> 4,000 rows, 25 columns) with many different days in the column [Datum]. Now I want to make a report, that shows only the rows from yesterday. Not today, not further in the past. I want to…
Meeting agenda item reports
We're piloting the use of the template set including the past & future agenda item reports. The issue is the reports aren't pulling the correct data. I added a column to the meeting sheet that is the meeting date (function pulls it in date format from the parent row where the date is entered as text) so each child row is…
Resourcing is looking at SCC template gantts
Firstly, yes - I know the Control Center sheets are not "templates" but I would want resourcing to be able to filter out the workspace or at least the folder used to spin up SCC projects. Since I pre-load "assembly time" by assigning it to the genaric "Assembly" contact in ALL of the grouped gantt schedule options (of…
Report on Resource Utilization on a Single Day
I have a project plan that was created by importing a plan from Project. I would like to create a report that shows the resources and their utilization on a single day. The only filter I see in the Report Builder is to filter on the Start Date or the End Date of a task. I want to see anyone who has tasks that occur on a…
New Sheet Summary Fields w/ Control Center
Will the new sheet summary fields be the profile data (metadata) fields for control center or will there still be a need for profile data (metadata) in a summary section at the top of the sheet?
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