Calculation Formulas on Reports
Our company uses Smartsheet a little differently than most but I am finding it would be very helpful if I could add formula calculations directly to the reports I pull. Currently I have to add the formulas to the sheets themselves, hide those columns and continue dragging formulas down as we add rows. Hundreds of sheets...…
Report and Dashboard View of Planned vs Actual progress Task
I have searched the community for some solutions for what I am trying to achieve…and there were lots of information that seemed close to what I am trying to do. Many links that were shared for other blogs, articles, etc., are no longer active. So I am hoping someone from the community can help me put it together. We would…
Problem Saving Blueprint
Hello Smartsheet, Reposing in hopes that you can assist me. I've added a new sheet to my Blueprint (I've done this before). The sheet has one profile field (Project Name). I don't need anything on the sheet to report out to anywhere. When I try to save my Blueprint, I receive an error "add more column(s) to reporting…
forms and cell linking to a secondary sheet
Hello I have created a Time sheet form that i sent out to 11 employees to gather all the daily info. This form fills in the Time sheet Smartsheet. We want to keep the Time sheet Smartsheet as a master sheet and strictly for data collection so that no one messes around with it and looses anyones time. Ive been trying to…
Requested: Sharing Reports: without Sharing Source Sheets
Just submitted this request. Hope others are asking for this! Sharing Reports: without Sharing Source Sheets I would like to be able to have people edit data in a report without them being able to view/access the the source sheets. If the source sheet must be shared would it be possible to set the sheet to "hidden" so that…
Problem Saving Blueprint
Hello Smartsheet, Reposing again in hopes that you can assist me. I've added a new sheet to my Blueprint (I've done this before). The sheet has one profile field (Project Name). I don't need anything on the sheet to report out to anywhere. When I try to save my Blueprint, I receive an error "add more column(s) to reporting…
Report Column Names / Labels are not same as Smartsheet Column Names
Hi, I have noticed on reports created from the original smartsheet that the Primary Column Label and automatic numbered columns don't have the same smartsheet column name. When you pick the reporting you want to include it uses the original default titles as opposed to column titles used in the smartsheet (if you have…
Look up blank cell and add a value in another column on the same row
Can someone show me how to write a forumla that will look up if a cell in the column "Critical date" is populated enter 1 in column "CD2" on the same row. Essentially what I'm trying to do is run a report that summarises all my critical dates but I can't select that date column in my report. If there is a better way I'm…
Sharing Reports without sharing sheets
We want to share reports with customers so they can see schedules but do not want customers to be able to view other customers schedules on the primary sheet. In order to share a report we must also share the primary sheet. Is there a work around for this?
SUMIFS for multiple criteria
This should be fairly simple, but I am spinning on this syntax. Trying to sum my "Invoiced" column if the Year Column = "2019" and the Type Column = "Expense". I have tried a few variations, but this is what I think should work? =SUMIFS(Invoiced:Invoiced, Type:Type, Expense, Year:Year, 2019). I have tried quotations around…