Setting up Alerts
We are running a number of different projects on a sheet that have a: 1) - Delivery Deadline (which is specified by the client), 2) - Delivery Date (which is set by dependencies on our Production Schedule) When Production is running late, the Delivery Date can end up later than the deadline. How can we set up an alert to…
How to make a chart that calculates total sales by payment meothd?
Hello! I have a sales sheet indicating many information among of which is the total of each sale and the payment method (either cash or cheque). I made a report to group only sales from this month, with both payment methods, I wanted to add a widget to the dashboard from this report that will show total sales by cash and…
Cell linking from Report?
Hi all, I have a question and/or suggestion regarding cell linking. I have a master sheet that needs to pull cell links from multiple sheets which have very specific parameters. The sheets that we are pulling the cell links from all contain vast amounts of data, so we've created a report to pull the specific data that we…
Client dashboards
Hi, I'm currently using airtable but thinking of moving to smartsheet. My specific need is to take the table data (which my team updates 24/7), format it into simple dashboards, and provide those dashboards to clients particularly via mobile device. With airtable I can display data via mobile devices but not in a dashboard…
Report Not Updating
I have several reports setup to filter a sheet by status and up until today everything worked fine. Now, when the status changes, the report doesn't get updated and I don't understand why. For example one of the reports filters for a status of "Design" and when I perform the necessary steps to move it out of the "Design"…
Formulas For Metrics
Good afternoon, Looking for some help on setting up formulas to capture the following metrics per attached. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you !
How to group sales by representatives in a report?
Hello Smartsheet community! I have a sales sheet where new sales are added each day mentioning the amount and the representative. the sheet doesn't use contact list for representatives, just a simple drop down menu. I want to add a widget to our dashboard showing total sales by representative. I made a report by selecting…
Print report from Project and Task Management Template
Hi, I have created a sheet utilizing the project and task management template and would like to print a report that displays only select columns of the sheet for use during a status meeting. I would like all rows to print, but only some columns. Is there a way to do this? Currently, we are hiding the columns and then…
Besoin d'aide au sujet des rapports
Bonjour, Est ce que l'un d'entre vous a déjà crée et partagé des rapports, via smartsheet? Si oui, Faut-il obligatoirement partager la feuille source des données afin de visualiser les informations dans le rapport ? De mon côté, je souhaiterais ne pas partager la feuille source des données, mais uniquement le rapport.…
Formula to count values in a column
Good evening VERY NEW to smartsheet. I am creating a metrics sheet for data we want to capture on another sheet. How do I get the QTY of "beam" counts in this column? Thank you