Project Status Report > Horizontal View
In our team project trackers, we are leveraging worksheets with grandparent/parent/child relationships to organize by the the different business/clients/projects. Our desired automated reporting output is to transpose most of what is captured in a row format into a column to enable a snapshot view that is horizontal in…
Sharing Externally using Control Center
I'm new to using control center and I have an internal team that wants to use it to create client specific reports and dashboards in addition to our internal information. The problem is there is certain information on the sheets that I don't want the external client to have access to, so I can't share a report with them. I…
Enhance Smartsheet with 'Current User' Filter Option in Row Report Summary
I would like to suggest an enhancement for Smartsheet that involves refining the Current User filter. It would be beneficial if the filter could include Admins or Owners from viewing the task list if they haven't been assigned any tasks. This feature would enable Admins or Sheet Owners to view tasks even if they haven't…
Smartsheet Calendar Column and Task Names color not aligning
Hi there, I'm currently pulling 4 separate grids into a single report to create a collision calendar. The calendar is color coded by sheet name. I recently added the 4th grid into the report and now the colors are not aligned. I created the custom colors by Sheet name previously but I cannot recall how to fix. When I go to…
Smartsheet Calendar - Removing Completed Tasks from the View
Hello, I have been investigating the capabilities of Smartsheet Calendar and was most interested in how to use it to track multiple projects through a Smartsheet Report. The report I've created pulls from several projects, all containing a "Completed" column with checkboxes to mark status for tasks. In setting up a…
Searching on Mobile App / Work Apps
Hi All, Is there not an option to search within a report via the mobile app or work apps? I see that there is a search function included within sheets, but I cannot seem to find an option for reports. Is this really the case or am I missing something? Thanks
Group Rows in Sheet, not just in Report
I would like to view rows grouped by their category (from a dropdown column) in Sheet form, so that I can add new rows while viewing my data in an easier-to-read format. Currently it seems grouping can only be achieved in a Report which does not allow me to add new rows. I am new to SmartSheet but have intermediate…
Ranking by score
Hello, I have a sheet that contains people and scores (1-100) based on their performance. I want to create a table to show the top 10 and the bottom 10 people based on their score. Any ideas on how to do that? Regards,
How can I tick a box based on two criteria?
I'd like to tick a checkbox based on another checkbox being ticked and for a specific task name. I have the following formulas that work individually. How can I combine them? =IF([Checkbox]@row = 1, 1,0) =IF([Task name]@row = "XYZ", 1,0)
Collapse / Expand All to Sheet Picker
I couldn't find an existing topic in Community - When selecting a Report for widgets, it's unwieldly to scroll past the folder system. It would be an immense improvement to collapse folders and only see workspaces within the sheet picker.