Please enable us to select multiple contacts when sharing (was avialable a year or so ago)
About a year or so ago, if you wanted to share anything in Smartsheet, you had the ability to bring up your entire contact list or type a keyword, you would then be able to select multiple contacts to share with the same customize message. Please bring that back. It is a much-missed function. Thank you!
Non Licensed User - Editor Access - Update Columns
Hi - Has anyone experienced this? I have an unlicensed user shared to a sheet with a form with Editor access. I can see in Activity history she was able to change column properties for a column from Text to Date. Has anyone had this happen? I am wondering if she somehow edited the form?
Sharing data with prospects
Hi I want to share a specific row (from my product-sheet) with some individuals who might be interested in buying that product. Ideally, when I share that row link with people, they should be able to see only that row's data, and that too without requiring to sign in to Smartsheet. In other words, the shared link should…
Auto sort
Checking if there's been any movement on having the sheets sort by data in a column as I see it's been requested since at least 2016. We have sheets that are sorted by a date that could be 2 days from the day entered or 12 months from the day entered. We also have a filter to hide past dates. Data is being entered via form…
Make the share window adjustable
We use groups with fairly long names, and with the size of the share window we are unable to see the end of the group name, which is the distinguishing part. We now have groups that exceed the size to be able to display the group, so we cannot open it to see the full name. If we could change the size of the "Share sheet"…
Workspace & Sheet Sharing Permissions
I've noticed recently that workspace owners are not automatically made the sheet owner. Previously, I thought that if a sheet owner moved the document to a workspace outside of their ownership the sheet ownership would be transferred to the workspace owner. Is this not true anymore? Additionally, I've moved sheets to…
Merged: Lock Specific Cells
This discussion has been merged.
Smartsheet vs EU Smartsheet
The recent change in EU data privacy is causing some of my project team to not be able to collaborate with on my projects. They keep getting an error pointing them to Smartsheet EU. I also thought I read somewhere that the two versions of Smartsheet don't talk to each other. Is anyone else experiencing this issue and if…
Export Timeline View
Timeline is such a good feature, with a straightforward entry, as well as color edit. What isn't available is being able to export it on to PowerPoint or Excel. When is that coming?
Bring back permission change settings from within the sheet
I was able to change the permissions to a sheet by hitting the Share button within the sheet. I am not able to do it anymore and I have to go to the workspace, select the item, click Share button and then I can change the permissions. Users are not really taking this change positively. Is there a possibility to bring this…