It would be great to be able to right click on a cell and "copy formula" or "Show formula" so that it could be copied, for viewable sheets. Or, create a sharing method that allows viewing of formulas.…
Hi All! Aside from sharing it using a public link, I was pretty sure that dashboards functioned like reports, where a user had to have access to the supporting/underlying sheet to access the informati…
Hi all, has anyone else experienced issues when moving rows to another sheet? I've got two colleagues, one of whom is actually owner of both - original sheet and destination sheet. When they try to mo…
Is there no built-in way to prevent Smartsheet from allowing users from sharing data outside of Smartsheet automatically, if the data includes a Social Security number? (Enterprise Version) The only i…
Hello All! I am trying to create a formula that will automatically update the end date to a contract based on a renewal timeframe. For example, Contract Start date 12.31.19, Contract end date 12.31.20…
Please add the capability to lock/unlock fields/columns for editing by Group Assignment. While Groups can be assigned with or without editing permissions to a sheet, Columns can only be locked for edi…
I’d love to hear the creative ways the Smartsheet community is using Smartsheet for fun or unique ways, whether at work or in your personal life! Have a story to share? Drop it in the thread! One of t…
A primary use case for Smartsheet for my department currently is what we call Selection and Segmentation. Essentially we crunch a bunch of data about influencers in a particular field and match this d…