Update Request Improvements
I would like to suggest: The option to "Include Parent Rows" when sending Update Requests (similar to the option when creating a Filter) in order to provide the context for the row in question. Include a link to the sheet in question from the Update Request Form, not just the email. Automatically include the Row Number/ID…
Please enhance Column Contacts and Form Contacts by allowing Groups to be used!
I could go on about it, but there are some basic “table-stakes” sorts of features that need to be incorporated into how column contact lists are handled within Smartsheet. First and foremost, please, for the 37th time, allow us to drag a group in and create items contacts within a column contact list. ALSO, please make it…
Best Practices for Sharing Dynamic View?
Hello! I have just been granted access to dynamic view and am using it to improve some of my sheets. I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for sharing dynamic view with others? I recognize that it is accessible by clicking "Dynamic View" on the sheet, using a link, or accessing it through a Work App. So far, I…
Can't share info on mobile device via Dynamic View OR Workapps?? what is the solution then?!
SO we can't share via reports unless we add all users to the sheet. SO we buy dynamic view and enterprise licensing and add our dynamic views to a dashboard and share the published dashboard. SWEET, wrong. Now we can't use dynamic view when viewing the data by mobile devices (and that is our whole point- easier access/view…
Ability to hide row conversations/comments and/or attachments on published reports
Reports are great for sharing specific information from teams to leadership or external partners. However, it is a huge limitation for published reports not to have the ability to hide conversations. Conversations are a great feature for internal teams to be able to communicate on specific line items within a sheet, when…
Can user WITHOUT a license who has Sheet permissions set to 'Editor-Can Share', share a Sheet
I have a consultant, who does not have a license, who I gave Sheet permissions 'Editor-Can Share'. They attempted to share the Sheet and received an error message saying that they do not have "sufficient permission to modify sharing on this item". As far as I can see they have permissions, so I don't know why they are…
Collaborative and real-time editing
If multiple users end up editing the same cell without realizing, the last change that was saved overwrites the other. All editors should be able to view the current cell that is being edited and should be able to lock them as they continue to edit.
Sharing Report
Good Morning, Wanted to see if someone knew the best way to share a single report to an individual. For some reason when I attempt to share to individuals they normally respond that they are denied access due to permission. I have published the item and sent the published link to them with the box selected that indicates…
Dynamic View Current User
Dynamic View sharing is set to our domain. Users will have email address in our domain. Users will NOT have Smartsheet account. Is a Smartsheet account required for "Current User" View to work? Will it capture the Current User's email in created/modified by? We have >100 people that do not require Smartsheet for their…
Cascading Forms
Cascading Form data sets is one of Smartsheet's missing capabilities that I believe would be a game-changer for many alternative providers. Cascading forms are a very effective technique that can be used to compress form data and limit down options in order to narrow a workflow or collect more accurate data. Recent usage…