You asked and we answered! Now you can share all or part of a folder to a collection with just a simple click. Sharing exactly what you want with who needs to see it is easier and faster than ever. Wo…
Hi Smartsheet Product Enhancement team! I was wondering if there is a better way to share a sheet with a large audience that may appear in a contact column in the sheet (Assigned To: Columns)? I under…
I am building a workspace with 3 separate levels: Master Overview Dashboard, 3+ team dashboards, & 5+ representative dashboards per team. I want the individual representative to be able to input data …
Goal: Let any user in our city request a pre-filled application. Steps We Want: User fills out Smartsheet form Smartsheet automation merges form fields into PDF and attaches PDF to sheet row Smartshee…
Can you help troubleshoot the automation that's supposed to copy only the top row/Parent row of the project plan (which contains specific key information) into the 'Timeline Variance and Weeks Remaini…
Let us have a specific folder/workspace "Shared to me" where all items shared individually to us sit nicely together and not in between all the stuff in "Sheets". Somtimes unsers having access to work…
We may not be able to make Spring come any faster, but we can help you 🪴cultivate🪴 the Smartsheet skills you need to spend less time on repetitive tasks and more time on the work that matters to you…
Let me start by saying I have literally read every single Smartsheet article and communication post. I truly understand the plan, but still have questions. I would love to know if any Community member…
Hello, I am just wondering what is the best way to work in collaboration on smartsheet. Currently when multiple users are working in the same sheet and one clicks save the other users data is lost! Ho…