Extracting text from a multi-select drop down column
I have an intake sheet where one of the fields is a multi-select drop down list. The values in the list are NUMBERS; TEST NAME. I want to be able to parse out just the number into a separate column in the intake sheet as someone submits it, so there'll be a populated column of Test Code Intake that has the NUMBERS; TEST…
Sheet automation loop
I am looking to understand how to break a loop so I can fix something. We are trying to remove columns from a sheet, but the automations keep replacing them on connected sheets before we can get them deleted on the other side. Is there a way to export a configuration so we can see all of the connected sheets? Also, how can…
Sheets > Timeline View > Fix scroll bar time-jumping
I opened a support ticket reporting this bug and the agent suggested I open the idea here. Currently there is an issue where if you drag the slider bar at the bottom while in Timeline View, it will "jump" drastically into the past. I've gone as far back as 2001. Note - there are no dates on my sheet before January of this…
Daily Update Solution without the need to open the sheet, use Zapier, or similar
Hi everyone, Happy New Year! I hope you're well and safe! I've developed a way to use the newly released Record a date feature to update sheets with today's date automatically without the need to open it or similar. 1. Add a so-called helper column. (Date). We can call it Today Helper and add a date before the current day.…
Date Formula Issues, Metric sheet
I am very new to smartsheet. What formula would I use to count how many times the year 2021 appears in the blue (parent) rows? I also would like to make a formula for a metric sheet that automatically updates as I add and delete years from my main sheet. What formula would I use for that part as well? I've tried a few…
Group Columns in Grid
Hi! I use a really large grid-style Smartsheet to track all aspects of project development and health. It would be very helpful to have a way of grouping columns. The hierarchy for rows works great, but I think with columns I am just looking for a way to clean up my views. I feel like the best (and only) solution right now…
Copying rows to new sheets based on multiple selections in one column
Hello, new to Smartsheet so might not use the correct language, but hopefully someone understands what I need! In my company we host CPD sessions where suppliers will come in for an hour over lunch and teach us something new. We need to keep a record of these sessions and who attended them. I have set up a sheet where I…
Help with a Sheet Summary Formula Error
I have a simple sheet summary formula that keeps returning "Invalid Operation". I am wanting to count the number of instances where the Potential Loss column is over $500. I've tried every variation of "500" I can think of (500.00, $500, "500.00"), but it's still returning an error. Any thoughts on what's wrong with my…
Cross-sheet COUNTIFS Formula Not Working as Intended
I am using a helper sheet to calculate projects that are Past Due, Due this Week, and Pending Review per Requestor Email (this email comes via a form). The formula I am having issues with is the the one I am trying to create to count the number of projects that are due this week. I need to formula to count the rows that…
Fiscal Quarters in Timeline View
It would be great to have user definable fiscal quarters in the new Timeline view. Also, as I am creating this discussion, there isn't a tag for Timeline View yet 😁