How to show more than one month on calendar view
I am wondering if there is a way to show more than one month on calendar view. I am working creating an HR sheet and I need to be able to see the last 12 months if someone took a vacation. Also is there a way in a column to have more than 1 date so for example if someone took off both June 5th and then July 8 can we put…
Update VIA API not showing updates
Hello There Super Noob to Smartsheet APIs. I am updating smartsheet, with Powershell, a Test Sheet sending simple sample data. It shows that I have added multiple row, in the test sheet, but it isn't showing the data even if I refresh the sheet. I have no Idea whats going on.
Summing children rows without double counting parents
Hello friends- I am creating a spreadsheet to help track project financials for a specific grant that the non-profit which I work for received. Specifically in the Summary Table, I have a sumifs formula which grabs specific line items based on the date and which installment of the grant they are using. I believe that the…
Sub-task card lane driven my main card
I am using card view as a materials log and I have a question regarding the 'grouping' of cards. The problem: We have a pallet containing 4 boxes. The pallet is assigned to a lane in the sheet. I have created a sub-task card for each box on the pallet. When I move the pallet card the sub-task cards remain in the lane. The…
Auto Status Change/Update
Hi, I am trying to create a tracked schedule and was wondering if smartsheet had an option or setting that auto updated status based on the date entered and real time date. For example if a phase is due at 08/24/2018 and it is 08/25/2018 and the status box of completion is not checked yet, is there a way to create…
HR Sharing a sheet
I have a company of about 10 people or so and what I would like to do is create an HR sheet that will have a variety of sensitive information. Is there a way for us to share the sheet and only have 1 person view the sheet with just there personal information? Thank You,
Add additional filter or how to do this
Hello, I need help to do something if possible. From my table, i want to make a filter which will show just the rows which has the specific terms. Ok, this is easy and I know how to do this. My issue comes when I have one more column where the fields containing numbers from 1-5. So, I want to somehow make additional filter…
Using SUMIF to provide value of orders from this week only
Hi, I am trying to get a formula to sum the total value of orders invoiced this week. The formula i have tried is below, but returns '0' as the value. =SUMIF({Completion Date}, {Completion Date} = WEEKNUMBER(TODAY()), {Order Value}) The sheet references are to single columns titled 'Completion Date' and 'Order Value'…
Using Today formula in date field has limitations
Hi. I just wanted to find out if perhaps the =today() function does not work when using a sheet with begin and end dates and dependencies enabled. When I try to enter the function, it only shows the actual function statement and not today's date. However when I use this function on a sheet with only one due date column and…
Multi Formula/Sheet Help
Hi Been struggling with this for ages, I can get the two elements of this formula to work separately but not together - I hope the below makes sense! :) I am trying to get a formula to: A) Search a column on another sheet to see if a reference number is present The below works but gives me the total count…