Move Row/Copy Row Automation flowchart
Hi Smartsheet, I'd like to have a high-level Smartsheet view that shows, in a visual, the "Move Row" and "Copy Row" automations from one sheet to another. This would be extremely handy when communicating to management or onboarding new employees to existing Smartsheet processes. Additionally links directly to the sheet on…
Return a value from a cell based on today's date
Hello everyone, I am creating a metric sheet to track the total hours, attendees, and person hours of meetings and would like to track it based on today's date. In the example above, I would like to use TODAY() in the top row under the "Date" column. Then if the date in the rows below are in the past, return the…
Restricted Task Dates in Office Timeline Pro+?
I use Office Timeline Pro+ to create all my corporate project timeline slides by importing source Sheets or Reports. Is there a way to show project timelines restricted by a certain date? For example, I want to show all tasks that are in progress as of 1JAN2024, regardless of the actual start date (e.g., if the start date…
Sending responses from intake form to two different sheets.
I am in the process of creating an intake form and would like the responses to go to two different sheets based on a trigger word. Example: We have two different departments (Sales and IT). The request form I created allows the requester to enter which department the request should go to. The select department column is…
Collect most recent date from another sheet based on certain criteria
Hello I have a fleet maintenance log that has invoices per vehicle with a column that is a drop-down with multiple values based on the service provided. I am trying to make a sheet that would be a quick reference to see the most recent service per vehicle per category. Being multiple services will but under a category I…
Is it possible to Update Cells in Both Sheets when they are Linked?
What we are trying to do is use one sheet as a general project breakdown (Sheet 1). Within that project breakdown is a construction schedule. We want to make a second sheet that contains all the information in the Construction schedule section of sheet 1 and turn that into its own sheet (sheet 2). I know this is possible…
How do I add age range
I am trying to take a list of all employees that includes their info like department, name, and age and then create a age range (like 16-24, 25-34, etc...) so I can then count how many employees fall under each age range. I have tried two ways and neither work. FIRST ATTEMPT: -The first and i think easiest is to have a…
Why dont non working days carry thru to other projects?
I ticked the box to apply to all of account but they dont show or take effect in other projects? What am I missing or did not do?
Copy row automation from a formula based column
I have 3 intake sheets for a multi tier blueprint, I am using data shuttle to bring in all of my clients, program and project to one master sheet and from that master sheet, I have 3 formula based check box columns to track if the client, program or project exists or doesn't exist. If it doesn't exist I want to copy the…
Getting Permission Error Message Copying Rows to another Sheet
Hi, Can anyone help out? I am getting an error message copying rows from a sheet on which I am the owner to another sheet where I have "editor-can share" permissions. Error message obtained is "You do not have sufficient permissions on this sheet to make this change". Lisa