How can my index/match formula include a column that has multiple values
Ok so I downloaded an inventory management template that is awesome! When people submit a request form for a ppe item they need, it has index/match forumlas to show us what Current Inventory remains. Its great! However, they are only able to select one ppe item from the drop down list. And I need them to be able to select…
Count Columns in data sheet to appear in calc sheet.
I need help writing a Smartsheet formula that examines the "status" and "County if known" columns in a data spreadsheet. I want it to count the number of each type of status for each county. The Smartsheet containing the data is named "Test of File a complaint" the sheet where the calculation will appear is named…
How can my index/match formula include a column that has multiple values
Ok so I downloaded an inventory management template that is awesome! When people submit a request form for a ppe item they need, it has index/match forumlas to show us what Current Inventory remains. Its great! However, they are only able to select one ppe item from the drop down list. And I need them to be able to select…
Formula to copy all dates in a year for 120 rows?
Hi all, I need to add a formula to a sheet that will create 120 rows for the same date for all days in 2024. For example, 1/1/24 will have 120 rows, then 1/2/24 will have 120 rows and so on. Is this possible? Thanks! Jackie
Is there a way to "cap" the days on a sheet?
I've built a sheet that calculates the days since last event. I display this on a dashboard in chart form. However, I don't want the days to just keep increasing indefinitely. Is there a formula or a way to "cap" the days, for example ">365".
Trouble with Checkboxes
Hi there, I've created a sheet and given someone "Editor - Cannot Share" permissions. For some reason, they are not able to check the checkboxes in the sheet. Any ideas what's going on here?
Background auto-refresh a sheet as frequently as every minute.
This might be my first real contribution to this community, but I think I have had a breakthrough with respect to background auto refreshing a sheet. I've seen the common solution of utilizing a workflow to trigger a daily update of a date column, but the challenge has always been that you are obviously limited in how…
Default values in Columns
Hello all. We have a Sheet and sometimes users forget to add important fields. We want to add default values to these fields in order to not be empty. The types of columns that need to have default values are: Text/Number, Contact List, Dropdown List. We have tried a way to add default values with workflows on Dropdown…
Countifs Reference Another Sheet - Help
This is the formula I am trying to use with reference to another sheet. Range 5 I want to only count if ticket status is "resolved" and Range 6 if in the month of Dec 2023. Error "Unparsable". =COUNTIFS({Field EDI Request Sheet Range 5}, [TICKET STATUS], "RESOLVED", [{Field EDI Request Sheet Range 6}, (LAST STATUS DATE},…
Need to identify the current month plus the last 7 days of the prior month
Hi there, I have a helper column that checks the "Current Month" check box if the date is within the current month: I used this formula: =IF(MONTH(Date@row) = MONTH(TODAY()), 1) The business is now asking to identify when a date is in the current month or in the last 7 days of the previous month. For example, this month…