"Show More" option for cells with long wrapped text
Request: When cells have long wrapped text that have more than 3 (or 5...) lines, truncate the rest and provide a "show more..." link to expand the rest of the text. This will greatly compress sheets and rows that contain longer text. Example: goes to Comments: I am aware that I do not need to wrap text, and that will…
Conditionally Lock a Cell in a Sheet
Apply a feature to conditionally lock a cell in a sheet when one or more criteria are met.
Way to get average number of submissions per day?
Working on an intake form with hundreds of responses and I wanted to know if there was a formula to calculate the average amount of responses per day. Thanks!
Send notification without access to sheet
I am wanting to create a workflow that will send a notification to a contact listed in a row without allowing access to the sheet itself. Specifically, when I receive a notice to vacate from a resident in one of our apartment buildings, I would like to send them an acknowledgement that it was received when its added to the…
Is there a formula to count how many times todays date is entered into a sheet?
Automatically delete blank rows when using a Form to add to the bottom of a Sheet
I'm submitting this enhancement request, but this should really be viewed as a glitch or break-fix. It makes no sense why blank rows would appear when submitting via a Form. This is a core function of Sheets and should be more streamlined. Manually deleting rows is incredibly inefficient and has already lead to multiple…
How do I count the reason for the consult, AND the year it took place?
I tried to amend this formula to report by year. Below is the formula I tried, which didn't work. The reasons are part of a drop down on another sheet. The consult date is on the same sheet, but the full date is in the cell, 10/12/2017, 11/1/2017, etc. My current formula in the TOTALS to DATE is: =COUNTIF({Reason for…
Can a COUNTIF formula "count" when there are multiple values in one cell?
I've created the following formulas to count how many times a person's name is appearing in a configurable (Contact List) column for Project Lead and then Assigned To on another sheet: =COUNTIF({Project Lead}, Primary@row) =COUNTIF({Assigned To}, Primary@row) The Primary@row is directing to the name of the person I have…
How to capture/log user/contact info in a cell after updating a different cell?
I want to be able to identify the user when changes are made to cells on the Sheet. I know there is the Activity Log. But I want to see that data on the Sheet. I also know that there is the Modified By column, but that picks up changes to any cell in that row. I have a log that needs to have the status column changed by…
Dropdown List Alternative with Automatic List Update and Dynamic List Features
There have been many requests for improvements to the Dropdown list from Smartsheet Community. The two most typical requests are Automatic updating of the list @Justin Mauzy @Taylor Compton - NOAA Federal Dynamically changing the list of the following selections based on previous selections @Ian Cooper @Mehran Bagherian…