I am struggling coming up with a time difference calculation smartsheet. I have two text fields, one called From and the other To. Users are to input time in a military format (exp: 07:00, 13:00) and …
Hello, I've previously used the many pointers and guidance on the forums for coming up with solutions that help calculate time and duration between columns using a range of different helper columns.. …
Context All Automations run on sheet owner time (in my case, Pacific time). Sheet columns generally use universal / UTC time in the backend (i.e. Created, Modified columns – so the time stamps are aut…
I want to write a formula that calculates the number of days we have from today until we run out of stock. I have: The number of Laptops Available The Avg Monthly Hires and I know we give out laptops …
Hello Brilliant People! I'm stuck on this IF formula incorporating time and multiple conditions: *Quick detail, I work in construction and this is regarding a form my guys use twice a day to do a safe…
We need to track all training by hours and minutes, not days, and I can't find a solution to be able to calculate this with a formula. Anyone able to help? Thanks!
Hey Community, Some of you may have noticed a new function in our Functions List last week… Introducing the TIME Function! This returns the time of day in 12- or 24-hour format from a given set of val…
Hello. I realize there are already several threads on calculating time. I've reviewed the ones I've found and seem to be missing something basic in th setup of my grid sheet…. Here is what I'd like to…