I have a form I'd like to be able to have one-touch access to on my Android mobile. I can do it as a web page in google Chrome, but I'd like to be able to complete the form in the Smartsheet environme…
I maintain several facilities scattered across the state. I am attempting to install the Airnow.gov widget, which will display air quality, onto a dashboard. I get the error "We couldn't find any embe…
Hi there! I'm working on a dashboard on which I want to add a chart that displays a bar graph representing the data in a report (report is titled "Tasks in Next 8 Working Days, by Staff"). When I sele…
Hello all, New user here. I am building an updated dashboard for my job and I was wondering if there is a workflow that will allow a report widget to display a different report depending on the day of…
Hi. I am working on a dashboad to summarize some data from a reference sheet. I want to add a metrics widget that presents a sum of the number of rows on a reference sheet only if they are filled with…
Hello, I have a dashboard which shows a summary of key information from a sheet that outlines purchasing history of our company. It pulls from a report that summarizes information from the main sheet …
I have created a dashboard with multiple KPIs that are sourced from a sheet that contains all of the raw data. I want to have the user be able to click the KPI widget and view the data that falls unde…
I reached out to Smartsheet support regarding a labeling issue I encountered. When displaying data in a stacked bar chart (example on right), data labels do not appear for negative values. I can only …
When creating a dashboard, I have been creating charts and linking to reports using the widget action “open another site” and using the report link. The reason is my team prefers to have the report op…
I often have to navigate to the data source of a dashboard widget to make updates, however there is not a direct link to the data source, and sometimes the naming of the source does not make it easy o…