I want to display some shortcut link in dashboard. I use shortcut widget and when select data source, there are 3 options (website, Attachment and Smartsheet Item). When I select smartsheet Item, it o…
I would like to display a KPI if a condition is true ([boolean field] = true). Scenario: I have a helper sheet checking data entries for errors and a second helper sheet counting the errors. I would l…
I've seen lots of discussions on using dropdowns on a dashboard for interactive reports, etc. I have a slightly different question. I am starting to collect several dashboards, typically grouped by so…
Hello all, I have an idea for a dashboard I am creating to have a simple status legend with drop-downs (green - on track, yellow - at risk type of thing). I created a sheet and report with the legend,…
Hello Smartsheet, improving the widget's functionality to directly select the Smartsheet Form Name instead of the Form URL would greatly enhance efficiency, especially in Control Center project creati…