Hello! I am trying to show a gradient bar chart in a dashboard. I have a sheet where I've pulled a report that has data for US States. Each state has a count for Yes, No and Blank. I want to represent…
Hello, My dashboard has a Stacked Column chart. There are many data sets it's pulling from, but not all have values (see picture; of the 28 data sets in the legend, probably only 10 of them are actual…
Hi everyone, Have you experienced being haunted by a Report widget within the dashboard? Our Clients were complaining that some tables within the dashboard suddenly went missing, but after refreshing,…
Hello, I'm trying to add a view-only version of one of my sheets in the dashboard. Using the Product Development Roadmap Dashboard template from Smartsheet itself, I see that I need to use something c…
Typically, if a dashboard is displayed during meetings of any type, there is a need to capture a note or two regarding the content of the dashboard. It would be extremely valuable to have a widget whe…
Hi, We have a project that has a SS dashboard with all the updates ("Master Dashboard"). We have another dashboard that would duplicate some of the RT widgets from the Master Dashboard. How can we do …
I have a grid sheet that contains contact information. I am trying to pull that information into a dashboard focused on specific staff. The plan was to use a metric widget to pull the contact informat…
Hello- I have charts on a few dashboards all set up the same, and they all stopped working. I tried creating a copy of the reports used in the charts but that doesn't help. Below is what one of the ch…