Combining Multiple IF AND Statements
Hello, I am trying to combine the 3 statements into one. They all work independently however, I am missing something when I try to combine them. These each check a checkbox if the statement is true. Help Please! =IF(AND([Trans date falls w/in Black-out Period]@row = 1, [Covered Person?]@row = "Yes"), 1, 0) =IF(AND([Covered…
How can I set user input to trigger a workflow but not other changes?
I have built an inventory lending library for our staff. In my Inventory Checked Out Sheet, I have a contact field called Checkout Final. The person who is listed in that contact field can update the Checkout Final field to list someone else via a Dynamic View (e.g. when they are transferring a loan to a co-worker). I want…
Data Shuttle Not Adding Net New Entries
Hello! I have set up Data Shuttle with the intention that the PM on the project can attach the daily issue log she receives from our IT department and her sheet would be automatically updated. She document she receives from IT is an .xlsx spreadsheet. I noticed that with each new attachment, the existing data would be…
Work flow using repeated tracking numbers and checkbox
I would like to be able to create a workflow that would check box a previous task as completed by using the tracking number when there are multiple lines with the same tracking number. My example is every time I input a form with a tracking number it will create the line and I would like the previous line with that same…
Generate recurring exports to Microsoft Excel
Is there a way that I could setup an automated workflow where every month SmartSheet will export to Microsoft Excel? I know you can set up a recurring email with attachment (pdf or excel), but I need the MS excel to dump into a folder so another app could pick up that file to ETL it.
can a workflow be set to work like this somehow if area of business = Whittlesey and proforma raised by is any value the email email 1 if area of business = Hoveringham and proforma raised by is any value the email email 2 if area of business = London and proforma raised by is any value the email email 3 and so on as the…
New Row Added Workflow Trigger not working when non-licensed user adds row
Hi, I have set up a simple "When rows are added" workflow, but it only triggers when I add a row. Issue: when other users add a row, it does not trigger the workflow Example: Me (licensed-user/sheet owner) = User A X (non-licensed-user/sheet Editor-can share): User B Y (non-licensed-user/sheet Editor-can share): User C…
Multiple workflows conflicts
I have 2 workflows on a sheet, and they are mutually exclusive. In other words, they both have a filter at the trigger level, so when new rows are added one should run (one condition is met) and not the other (as the condition is NOT met) For some reasons, I am getting the last message of workflow B (which should NOT run),…
Go to the sheet link in Email Notifications
Hello! I have set up some workflows that send email notifications. In some Update Requests Email Notifications a "Go to the sheet" link appears that gives access to the receiver to the Sheet. This creates a problem as we don't want end-users to have access to the Sheet. If they need to change any data in the Sheet, we send…
Combining Form URL query strings in Alert Someone workflows?
Hi, I've got a sheet (Deals) which tracks the status of various deals and when the Status of the deals is marked as "Complete" it triggers an automation to send the owner an alert. The alert tells the owner they need to add a record to a different tracker (Live Deals) and includes a link to a Form to capture data for this.…