Dynamic View Field logic not working
Can I get support on how to add logic in the Dynamic View fields? I tried it on but it is not working.
How do I open an attachment in Adobe Acrobat DC?
I have Adobe Acrobat DC on my computer and a pdf attachment in a Smartsheet. When I try opening the attachment (without downloading it), it asks me to Get Adobe Reader Now! How do I get my Smartsheet to recognize that I already have it on my computer? Thanks!
Control Center: Report from Intake or Rollup?
General "best practices" question. Do you do your reporting from the Intake or Summary Rollup sheet?
Data shuttle for DataTable not replacing data
I've set up a data shuttle to populate my datatable with a workflow to automatically run each week when new data is available in the OneDrive location it's pulling from. The source file has about 300k rows. I have had this set up for two weeks, and my data table has around 600k rows, so it looks like my data is being added…
Reporting Columns
Dear SS Team, I noticed that Reporting function sorts the reporting columns in alphabetical order rather then the column order in that particular sheet. Is there a way to disable this sorting and keep the column order while choosing which data to be reported? I am sure you will understand better from the Screen Shots.…
DataMesh config is running every two hours, not every one hour?
Hello, I have various DataMesh configs set-up that run every hour but three recent ones I set-up (with exactly the same settings) run every two hours? Has anyone come across this before and know what's causing it? Thanks, Kristina
Integrate One Note page content into a dashboard
Hello everyone, I'd like to know if it's possible and how to integrate the content of a One Note page into a dashboard. If anyone can help me, Thanks in advance !
How to pull resource data from a Resource Mgmt project
Hello, We use Resource Management and are expanding to also use Smartsheet. We have a Resource Management project where everyone logs their vacations. I am working from the staff management template in Smartsheet. I can see the Resource Management panel for the project. How can I populate a sheet with that data instead of…
can a work insight be added to a dashboard?
I really like these charts and would like to add them to a dashboard, but I do not see how.
Anyone know how to use "update row" in Bridge to add a Contact to a cell?
I am trying to add a contact with the display value of a name, and the value of an email address. I am using the format in the bridge documentation but still getting an error. Anyone have success and an example of the correct format? Thanks!