Can I re-set baseline if baseline columns are used in formulas or conditional formatting rules
I have a conditional formatting to color code status cell based on risk level of the task (on schedule, behind or begin scheduled but not started). That works if I use start and date columns as planned and never change while tracking of progress - change only status and progress columns. If I want to trace actual start and…
Asking questions and moderation
I just asked a question in the forum and a message popped up. It said something along the lines of, my question will be available once moderated, but it has completely disappeared from the account. Is this normal? I'd prefer to not lose the question as it took a while for me to explain exactly what I needed. Thanks.
Using the cell data of a link in "Smartsheet1" to open and filter data in "Smartsheet2"
Hello, Extremely new to Smartsheet, so bear with me. I'd like to create a list of names (let's say "Alpha, Bravo, Charlie") in Smartsheet1, with each name being a link to Smartsheet 2. Smartsheet 2 contains a table in which the column "Names" has various names. On clicking a link in Smartsheet1, it then opens Smartsheet2…
Using Calendar for Time Off?
Has anyone utilized the Calendar for time off/vacation requests in shared format? Meaning that a department with multiple staff utilizing to request time off color-coded and then once granted this would change to different color-coded status. Would love to know if anyone is using successfully or if they have created a…
I cannot copy data across sheets
Hello, I am trying to copy rows from one sheet to another. Everyday, because smartsheet cannot upload excel data directly into an existing smartsheet, I upload the data into a new sheet and copy the data across into a sheet which has a datamesh config. However, every time I select the rows i want to copy across --> row…
List of reports using a column of a sheet
Is there any way to find out the list of reports using a particular column of a sheet? I want to change the name and column property of a column. However, I would like to know the impact of this change on the multitude of reports that I have created on this sheet. Is this possible?
Importing Excel into existing sheet
i saw a post 12/9/19 about importing data, but wanted to see if mine can be done. excell file the is about 100 columns wide, 600-800 rows. Right now i am copying 50 columns, 500 rows at a time, till all are imported. if i import a new sheet, it creats a now sheet. I tried to do a formula pulling in the data, but, when i…
Form: possibility of adding multiple raws as a form request result
Hi team, I am wondering if there is the possibility to fill in a form, described below i need to request the shipment of multiple parts to a customer, so the form will be like: first part is all the same (customer name, address and so on), second part is the part number, description; can be multiple parts for the same…
How record a date automation work?
Hi, I'm having trouble using the record a date automation. as you can see in 1st picture, I create record a date when "send noti to slack" is checked in 2nd picture, every change I made in that check box is from 25-Nov-2021 but record date show 24-Nov-2021 does anyone know why? and what I have to do to make it record the…
Simple time tracking per task for multiple assignees
I'm trying to devise a simple way for task assignees to track the amount of time it took them to complete the task. I created a report that shows the user their assigned tasks across multiple sheets, allows them to check a box when they've completed the task, but now I want to also have a field in that same report for them…