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URL Query String and CHAR() Function Helper Sheet

edited 06/13/23 in Best Practice

Greetings all,

Because I grew tired of spending an inordinate amount of time piecing together URL query strings, I've compiled all of the UTF-8 character codes (that I came across) into an easy to use reference sheet.

I've also added in a column for the corresponding CHAR() function codes and conditionally formatted the sheet to highlight which characters are URL-safe (and thus do not need encoding in a query string) and which CHAR() codes fail to work with Smartsheet.

The sheet includes built-in shared filters to view by character category (letter, numbers, punctuation, etc.) and usability.

Feel free to use this for your own purposes.

If you would like to save a copy of this into your own account, fill out the form below and I'll share Commenter access.

UTF-8 and CHAR() Encoding Reference Share Request (

**I make no claim that this list is free from errors or omissions, but I believe it to be correct and complete. If you find any mistakes, please let me know and I'll update the sheet promptly.




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