Auto-populate Email field on Form with account email?

My form currently allows non-Smartsheet users to submit a form, so users had to manually enter in their name and email address. We now are enabling the setting to ensure everyone has to login to Smartsheet to access the form. Is there a way to auto-populate the email field on the form to match the account they logged in with? Is it possible to auto-populate the Name field on the account as well?



  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭


    If you make sure that people are logged into SmartSheet to submit the form, you can add the "Created By" type column and it will show their email address when they add rows to your sheets via a form.

    I'm not sure about the name part. What I do is have a separate database sheet with all the registered users under our account and have their first and last name listed in the row with their email address. That way I just INDEX/MATCH to grab their full name from my database sheet without them having to enter it.