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Enhance Deactivate User API endpoint to support transferring content to another licensed user

Smartsheet recently announced the following message via email:

We are reaching out to inform you about a recent change that may impact how you de-provision users from your account.

De-provisioning options no longer include the ability to delete users from the Admin Center or any other interface such as the API, Directory Integration, Legacy Admin Center, or Bridge.

Instead, to revoke a user's Smartsheet access, we recommend deactivating the user.

Deactivating users offers a secure way to remove users from your account, helps mitigate issues that may arise with asset ownership transfers, and gives you the option to re-activate the user if needed.

Please contact your account team if you have any questions or concerns about this change, or submit a support ticket if you need further assistance.

Best regards,

The Smartsheet Product Team


Although the Remove User API endpoint (DELETE{userId}) has not yet been deprecated based on the email message, we suspect that it will be sometime in the near future. At the moment, this Remove User API call is the only endpoint that supports transferring owned content from one user to another. The Deactivate User API call (POST{userId}/deactivate) does not.

As a feature request, I'd like to ask the Smartsheet product team to highly consider adding this functionality (transferring owned items to another user) into the Deactivate User endpoint. Since the Remove User endpoints will be eventually removed, this leaves admins with only one option, to transfer content manually in the Smartsheet User Interface. This recent change greatly impacts the automated user provisioning and deprovisioning process we are implementing here at Johns Hopkins using the Smartsheet API.

Thank you!

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