Multiple sheets depend on each other for reporting, and something broke. I can use the activity log, but I am still missing something between several sheets and cannot restore my report. If you have a revert or restore option on any sheet, I could keep clicking restore to the previous version until the mistake is found. This is too advanced of a tool not to have a simple feature like this. Please and thank you.
Smartsheet is not a viable option for data management in regulated spaces until:
1. Backups are more easily automated (Can't you just make a Data Shuttle checkbox to prevent replacement of previous exports instead of the old export being deleted every time?)
2. Exports that include attachments automatically reconcile attachments to the rows they're associated with instead of just dumping them in another folder (we are manually reconciling dozens of attachments every month by renaming them to add the row number)
These aren't just quality of life requests. They are making me hesitate before recommending this platform to other teams as a solution because these flaws create unnecessary compliance risks.
Full, REAL backup (of formulas, automations, alerts, forms, reports, formatting, conditional formating) is essenital. Those features are what differentiates Smartsheet from Excel, yet Smartsheet does not provide anyway to backup them up!
We would like to be able to go to activity and where you can "request snapshot" instead revert back to the version prior to that change. We have a sheet with thousands of row of data (with links to other reports/sheets/etc…, along with attachments, conditional formatting, formulas, etc.).
If something or someone goes in and messes with it (accidentally or maliciously) it would be nice to be able to revert back to old versions of the document utilizing sheet activity history.
I would love this feature as well. With all data being changed all the time. This would be very helpful
There NEEDS to be an option to restore a sheet to it's previous version. This must include all formulas and be an actual Smartsheet, not an export Excel sheet with limited information.
This + Migration capability would be game changing for Disaster Recovery and Continuation purposes.. would be so so so useful!
I totally agree that Smartsheet backup and recovery options are way too limited and needs significant improvement.
Hi everyone,
While Smartsheet has not developed a proper backup feature yet, I'd like to recommend the solution from the company I work for. It's called FluentPro Backup and provides automated Smartsheet backup and restore. This cloud-based solution continuously backs up your data, creating project versions. So, when needed, you can recover the necessary backup version automatically.
Over 500 enterprises also trust it. Just give it a try!
I have seen discussions before about a feature for emailing a snapshot of a dashboard similar to how you can email a report each day. Is this still in the works? If so , when can we expect this?
This is exactly what we are needing, we have several reports presented on different dashboards. My boss is wanting to create one report that will send to him at the end of the day that shows all data entered for that day. To do this from a report will make the report way to long and not very readable due to having to scroll through all of the rows it pulls in. The best thing I can think of is to gather everything he wants onto a dashboard for him, but he wants to have a PDF copy so he can refer back to for comparison and executive meetings. Right now this is not an option that I can see.