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Wildcard selection of sheets for reports


I tried searching for this idea, but the search engine seemed to exclude some words from my search when listing the results. However, I would be surprised if no one has previously suggested this.

What problem are you trying to solve? 

When creating reports for a Smartsheet instance with a large population of sheets it is not too difficult to exceed the maximum number of selected sheets allowed when creating a report to span numerous workspaces.

What is your use case? (Describe a scenario or story.

I have attempted to create a report from the schedule sheet of many projects. I can select the work space of each project (typically one per workspace), but many other unneeded sheets are included when selecting the workspace. Selecting each schedule sheet individually in every workspace is time consuming and inefficient. In addition as new projects are added one would have to continually manually update the report.

What is your ideal solution?

Ideally I would like to use a wildcard type of selection for sheets in the report. For instance, I want to select all sheets that have "Schedule" in their name. Or all sheets that say "Budget" for instance. This would greatly reduce the number of sheets selected and my hope would be that new sheets added that met the criteria would be added to the report. Though that's possibly two ideas.

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